Join my Crew!

Começar do início

'Oi. Saki. Ask them where we're going.'

"Nami? Where are we going? Like, where's your destination."

'Holy crap, Saki listened.'

'Damn, you're right.'

'You guys are mean....'

"Alabasta," Nami responds.

"Ay, I know Alabasta! The kingdom of sand, right?" Saki turns to the blue-haired princess. "Vivi! You're the princess of Alabasta?"

Vivi smiles. "Yeah. I am." Her face becomes shadowed. "But right kingdom and its people are in danger."

Saki nods determinedly. "I see! I will help you as much as I can until I find my friend!"

'Bastard is probably eating to his heart's content.'

'When I get my hands on him....that bastard is dead.'

'I'll kill him first.'

'No. I'm gonna kill him!'






'Hell yes, I am!'

'Hell no, you aren't! To kill him you'd need me!'

'Oh, really? I could use a knife or a pistol or a million other weapons including my fingers! Who'd need a stupid sword to kill that basta-'

Saki's eyebrow twitches and an irk mark appears on her forehead. 'Shut up!'

She was lucky that she remembered to yell that in her head. Otherwise, the Straw-Hat Pirates would be rethinking their offer.

And another lucky thing was none of them noticed the pissed-off expression on Saki's face that lasted 1.002 seconds.

The bickering between Nyx and Phantom was common. You would've thought Saki was used to it. She was not. Some days she wanted to bang her head against something—maybe a boulder—until they stopped.

Other times they'd team up against Saki and tease her to no end. Luckily no one else could hear them. Unless Phantom decided he wanted to be heard. Then everyone would hear him. He mostly only talked to her though. Unless he felt like being a brat and snitched on Saki to-

"Thank you, Saki-san," Vivi smiles beautifully.

"No problem!" Saki grins, her earlier annoyance forgotten.

Luffy is pouting with a depressed aura surrounding him while Chopper and Usopp try consoling him, patting the rubber man on the back.

Saki sweatdrops. "Um. Luffy-san? Are you ok?"

He looks up, teary.

Nami regains Saki's attention. "Don't mind him. He's just sulking that you won't join the crew immediately."

Saki rubs her neck sheepishly. "I promise to join soon, though!"

Luffy's depressed aura immediately lifts and all traces of tears gone. He grins widely. "Really?! Soon?! Like, now soon?!"

"I'll join once your bounty goes up! How does that sound?"

"Yosh! Let's go defeat Crocodile so I get a higher bounty!" Luffy pumps his fist in the air.

Saki giggles.

'So you finally realised why Luffy seems so familiar?'

'Hm? No. I just assumed he had a bounty.'

Nyx sighs. 'I guess you'll find out soon enough...I really can't be bothered right now.'

"It also depends on if you can find me! Somehow I always find myself in the middle of nowhere..."

Nami and Nyx deadpan.

"Since we are all together and everything's cleared up, are we leaving soon?" Vivi asks Nami.

"Yep! We just need to somehow get to the ship without anyone wandering off..." Nami sighs, knowing that her Captain, the First Mate, and the Black Blade Assassin all have a terrible sense of direction. "Chopper, make sure Saki doesn't wander off, someone hold Zoro's hand and I'll make sure our idiot rubber captain doesn't deviate from us."

To make matters worse, the ship was on the other side of Nanimonai Island.


Nami was done. Done with Luffy, done with Zoro and done with Saki.

She says 'follow me' and what do ya know? Luffy goes left (he was distracted by a beetle, ok?), Zoro goes right and Saki goes up! How the hell do you hear 'go up'?! Nami was literally gonna tear her hair from her head in frustration!

Vivi, Usopp, and Chopper sweatdrop.

Why the hell did Saki even want to go to the south beach?!

Sanji....well he does what Sanji does.

And the three directionally challenged people are absolutely clueless.

After what seemed to be an eternity, they finally make it to the Going Merry.

"Damn, this island is bigger than I thought..." Saki mumbles.

A million irk marks form all over Nami's head and Chopper has to change into heavy point to hold her back from ripping Saki to shreds.

Saki finally looks at the caravel. "Aw! Your ship is so cute! What's her name again? The Going Merry? The 'lil figure head is adorable!" Saki then rushes to Chopper's side (Nami calmed down and Chopper was back in his brain point), "But not as cute as Chopper!" She picks him up and hugs him tightly. "Anyway." Saki places Chopper back on the ground carefully and she bows to the crew. "Thank you for your help!"

"No problem!"

"Anything for nakama!"

"Anything for Saki-chan~!!!"

They all clamber up onto the Merry and Saki decides the least she can do is help with the sails and whatnot. Nami was glad Saki knew her way around a ship, at least.


A few seconds of silence.

"Man, I'm hungry~! Sanji, cook me meat!"


Updated earlier than I thought. Next update will be in a week or two.

Fun fact: Saki's personality was going to be serious, sassy, and sarcastic. Then I realised after I created Mei, I couldn't have two stories with two OCs having the same dull personality. I am now so glad Saki turned out the way she did.

The Black Blade AssassinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora