Chapter 62 The Dragon Born

Start from the beginning

Frustrated, Mora switched tactics, seeing clearly that direct attacks such as those would prove futile against his strange earth and fire magic. So instead, she raised both hands into the air. Edlund only had to wonder what she was doing for a moment until he felt the winds beginning to shift directions. A storm was brewing, a storm not from thunder or lightning but from hail and storm. Edlund steeled his skin and armor, making him immune as millions of razor-sharp hail began pecking at him from every direction. The storm was expanding rapidly, almost taking him off his feet, but he channeled avra, keeping him rooted to the ground. He screamed with an effort to slam his hammer against the earth and make it shake and rumble like a bell under a heavy mallet. This disrupted her powers as she struggled to find footing. Edlund tried to contain this to only their corner of the battlefield, which was difficult on his own. He could feel the god's power struggling to break free from his control like before, making his skin red and steam rising from him, but he clenched his teeth, keeping it held within and focused on her as she went to free her dragon from his shackles. Edlund immediately ran to intercept her, but she was quickly turned on him, yelling and unleashing a burst of ice magic in a wave toward him. Edlund leaped high into the air, avoiding it entirely as everything below him was covered in a thick layer of ice. Seeing him clearly now, Mora threw a massive ice boulder directly at the knight. It was indeed significant, easily several times the size of a house; it was impossible to imagine such a thing being launched as quickly as it had been. Edlund knew he could not maneuver himself well in the air around the large projectile besides making himself lighter and heavier, so instead, he chose the more straightforward approach and smashed his hammer against the surface.

The boulder of ice, upon contacting the hammer, immediately began bursting into half-melting pieces and falling all around him, crushing the ground where they fell. This moment allowed the sorceress enough time to free her pet from his restraints and remount him, recombining their efforts as Edlund now enraged the dragon. He sighed, wiping the blood on his cheek as the wound healed. Their tenacity could not be understated. But he has little other option but to fight. Thousands of innocents lay at his back, crouching before this terrible and enraged for who would not stop until every last Morenian died.

Dagmyre's matters were relatively straightforward. The enemy was caught unaware as he approached them, a lone figure moving faster than the eye could see. Only those precious few with keen eyes were able to warn their companions before he was on top of them. The corners of Dagmyre's mouth quirked up as they began to lock their shields to try and buy time for their achers and sorcerers to attack him. They clearly have yet to learn a thing from their last encounter. Then again, what sort of defense could only mount against his abilities? He passed through those who stood in his way, taking pleasure in their shock and horror as he headed directly to those still crossing the bridge and beyond. The sorcerers hastily prepping spells were sent flying over the edge. He was raw disruption, a ghost that could not be hit and get was lethality itself. His blade began its backbreaking work, ignoring armor, ignoring shields, and the edges raised to guard their wielders. Many fell in piles of limbs. Just like every knight, Dagmyre could see in all directions using void, giving him an edge in engaging multiple persons at once. He can't remain untouchable forever, so for brief moments, he needed to let go of his sword's enchantment to reserve his avra for what he assumed would be a protracted conflict for him. This was the plan until he met a pair of staff-wielding sorcerers. Their avra felt different, more vigorous. And he found out why very soon. They raised their hands in unison in his direction, and immediately a rain of ice spikes rained down, slaying tens of their own men to get to him. He watched in horror as they killed so many of their own to take a strike upon him. Thankfully his armor prevented severe injury, but he was left bloody and shaken. These two were not like the others, he could tell.

He became intangible again just in time as they sent another storm of ice shards in his direction, the surge passing him and striking those behind him, now frantically moving out of the way of these sorcerers. While one continued this unended assault, the other used blasts of ice magic to try and obstruct his path, making the ground slick with fresh ice. But Dagmyre had had a lot of time to prepare for these ice mages and anticipated their efforts to counteract his abilities. He pivoted and slid on the ice, easily keeping his balance as he worked his way towards the pair., weaving in and out of their own ranks as they desperately tried to halt the knight's advance towards them. He dodged their ice magic, allowing some to pass through him as he approached them, and he was ready to strike both of them down in an instant when suddenly, another force stopped him in his tracks. A man is wielding a long spear and has long white hair. Dagmyre, at first, thought nothing of him and attempted to move past him, but as the tip of this strange spear made contact with his right arm, pain immediately seized his entire body as he felt his blood, muscle, and bone immediately beginning to freeze. If not for how fast he was moving, Dagmyre was sure he would have been frozen over, but instead, his right arm seized up, and he nearly dropped his blade. He panted, taking several steps back as he regarded the long-haired Zethan, who was already following up on his attack. It would seem that even if he phased through that spear, it would still affect his body through some sort of means. He will have to fight them in two very different manners.

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