Chapter 27 The Ruined of Antalya

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     Amond sighed, looking at the reports. The ruins were almost bare now. Perhaps another day, they will have completely moved all their operations to the Azure Bay. They have been planning on moving this little experiment to a marginally more populated city, with a much wider variety of test subjects. But for this brief time, Antalya had been an adequate playing ground for them and their operation. It was far and away from the empire. No godslayers could know of their affairs here, and most certainly, the disappearance of a few drunken town idiots wasn't to raise any alarms. The only issue was with these underlords trying to find ways to line their pockets. They were easy to get rid of, and those loyal to them found themselves under new employment. His employment. And for the time, they performed relatively well. That woman Veronica kept most in line. Too bad she turned traitor; she perhaps could have found a place in Talin under his recommendation. But she became a liability. Thanks to the godslayers.

    Godslayers. Just the thought of them turned his tongue bitter. Of all the places, not one but two, had found their way to him. It was as if Fate had some twisted humor regarding Amond. Fortunately, they weren't the most subtle of them all, they were practically bulls compared to Talin, and that raid at the docks was a siren that signaled their appearance. If only they could at least take one of them down. Unfortunately, the only gods around him were Hermes and Aphrodite, both equally frustrating as they hardly, if ever, communicate with him even if he is the direct representative of the Prime Noctus herself. They showed him little respect, as to be expected, and instead spent their time enjoying not being couped up inside stone crypts for decades. Hopefully, they will respond and deal with this thorn in their side before they ruin everything he has been working on.

     There was a sudden knock on the door. Amond stopped what he was doing, turning slowly as the door creaked open. One of the newer recruits was clearly out of breath and stumbling over himself. But he was clear.

     "They're here," he said. "By the stars, the godslayers have come."

     "In the inner tunnels?" Amond asked, but the urgency spoke for itself. They hadn't expected them to be able to get here for another few days. By that time, they would have been long gone. But now . . . "Where are they? Are they close?"

     "They were spotted near sector two. They are headed this way."


 Remmus looked towards the woods that surrounded him from his abode. The rooms here were surprisingly well kept for not being occupied for so long. Then again, the empire has always prided itself on its diligence. It barely mattered; it wasn't like he was getting sleep anytime soon. Not with what he had realized. When he came, he thought he would find one, maybe two Talin disguised amongst the royals. But no, it appears that things are far worse than any of them had realized. Five Makhai and a godling. He could sense their presence a mile away. Nothing was like it, the immense pressure a god imposed wherever they went. Some can suppress it, but it appears this new Thanatos isn't as concerned with masking himself from the likes of him. No wonder everyone during that meeting seemed so on edge. They may not be able to sense it like him, but the aura that Thanatos released made the dormant spirits stir from within this hall. It was somewhat unnerving. He wondered if the others had gathered much the same. How couldn't they, especially Celia? Thanatos, at this point, was beginning to be a personal venture for the woman. And her daughter. He had marked her in the past, and her soul felt fractured and wounded. And more, inhuman.

"Master," Remmus turned to see John. He wishes he could see what the boy did when he just popped into reality like that. John just has a talent only for appearing where people aren't looking. But he was here nonetheless.

"Did you get what I asked for?" Remmus asked him.

John slapped the bag on the little table in the middle of the room. When Remmus opened it, it revealed a ton of books and papers taken directly from his library. He flipped through book after book, smiling.

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