Taelin is sick!! Part 1

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*In the Jonathan Joestar's room*

Taelin: *wakes up 1st, yawns quietly* Man, that was a great sleep, I should make breakfast for Jonathan and myself, maybe moon shaped pancakes and star scrambled eggs. *walks to the kitchen and started making breakfast*

*after making breakfast, Taelin put a plate of breakfast on Jonathan's desk, and goes to Jonathan*

Taelin: Jona, time to wake up, your breakfast is ready for you to enjoy. *kiss Jonathan's cheek, goes to the garden*

*few minutes later*

Taelin: Achoooo!!! *accidentally used her magic to freeze the birds on the tree branches*

Jonathan: My queen, are you okay?!?! *runs to Taelin and used his free right hand to check Taelin's temperature, but he feels that Taelin has an 920% high fever* Taelin, you are feeling sick, you need to go bed.

Taelin: But Jona--

Jonathan: Please my Queen.

Taelin: Okay Jonathan.

*To be continued*

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