Jonathan and Taelin's Honeymoon at: The library.

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Jonathan *in his mind*: I love you

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Jonathan *in his mind*: I love you. Taelin, you are so sweet and adorable.

Taelin *in her mind*: I love you Jonathan, you are so handsome and generous gentleman.

Taelin: *smiles at Jonathan*

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Taelin: *smiles at Jonathan*

Taelin: My dear gentleman, I always love you from the inside of my heart

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Taelin: My dear gentleman, I always love you from the inside of my heart.

Jonathan: Taelin, thank you so much for your compliment darling

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Jonathan: Taelin, thank you so much for your compliment darling. *smiles*

Taelin: It's my pleasure, and we'll always be there for one day or another

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Taelin: It's my pleasure, and we'll always be there for one day or another.

At the private living room

--------------------------------------------At the private living room --------------------------------------------

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Both *in Taelin's and Jonathan's minds*: I love you, and I'll always be there for you.

Jonathan: *kiss Taelin in the lips*

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Jonathan: *kiss Taelin in the lips*

Taelin: *kiss Jonathan in the lips*

I hope you guys enjoy it and have a great day.

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