[Chapter 9]

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'No! Zaiden for fuck's sake I am not having this conversation with you! You are a grown ass adult man! You can think for yourself!' 'Has anyone else noticed that ash and Zaiden arent even dating but they act like a 95 year old married couple..?' 'Stay out of this Clide!!' 'Daddy.. Please listen to Ash...' 'I-.. Malikai don't bud in okay..? Please bud..?' 'But he has a point! It's not healthy..!' 'Zaiden you can't just not eat, It won't help. I have tried getting you lighter meals so it's not as difficult to eat but you won't even try! I'm just trying to help..!' 'I know I know! But sometimes I don't realize I do it and other days I'm just not hungry.. Ive been struggling with it since I was 9..!' 'Why won't you just...' 'Just..??' 'Just try at least!' 'I am trying..! Why are you so worried anyway..?' 'Just-.. Because I care!' 'Why??' 'Because I do!' 'All we've done is get you in trouble and you always complain you hate it here, So why care?? You could've gone home and back to your old life weeks ago!' 'I just.. Care!' 'He likes you ya big stupid!' 'Stay out of it Clide!' 'No wait.. You really do like me..?' 'Yes! Obviously!' 'I thought you were just..' 'What being Nice??' 'I uhm... maybe..?' 'No! I like you! And I was hoping you'd see it yourself because I'm not good with this shit because the only date I ever went On I got pinned to a tree!' 'Wait what-??' 'Doesn't matter! I need time to go cool off... Don't leave Andrea home alone she will demolish the fridge again.' I trun and walk off grabbing my mask and cao before Heading off to go for a walk. And for some reason my feet drag me back to the hair Salon. 'Hey sweety!!' 'Hey miss Dona..' 'what's wrong sweet heart..? You just want to talk..?' I nod and she points me over to one of her clients where she's working as she continues on. 'What's on your mind sugar plum?' 'It's... about the guy..' 'Oh.. spill the beans.' 'Okay so... I went on a date.. with a girl..' 'oh! Continue.' 'I didn't like it...' 'oh... continue..' 'I got pinned to a tree and nearly knocked out but that's not the point. One of my friends kind of continued on with the whole.. guys thing and he kinda convinced me... and now I'm pretty sure I do like him... and I got kidnapped and he came to save my ass... and he brought me flowers and a stuffed bear and it was so cute... and I thought he was trying to show he liked me but he just.. hides away behind this stone face the whole time and when he isn't doing that he's hiding in his room or he's.. he's punching a wall somewhere... and then.. He just.. Doesn't it and it worries me! And I hate it cus I want him to eat but he just refuses to! And I just start feel my heart sink to my stomach and it hurts because I can't help him..!' 'Why did... you get kidnapped..?' Dona's client stares up at me before Dona smacks his head. 'Sit still! Maybe if you didn't move so much your nose wouldn't get caught in so many people's business. Are you even listening?? The boy is having a love crisis and you're worried about why he got kidnapped?? Really.. do better... Ash sweet peach.. If he cares enough about you.. and he knows how you feel about it. He'll try to change. He'll try his absolute best to change.. and even if he's doing it already.. You have to have patience. It's the unfortunate truth.' 'I know.. but I got so pissed and now I told him I loved him, and I just.. walked out on him! Who does that.??' 'Someone who's giving the other person time to process and think.. give it time you did nothing wrong..' 'a few weeks ago we went to his dad's house-' 'oh! Meeting the family exciting..' 'his dad wanted me dead. He was one of the rich houses I thought he'd be a snob too he isnt.' 'Oh dear...was it the googly eyes or the underwear??' 'Both.. and rotten eggs.' 'Oh... that's a problem..' 'And when I broke into his house I think I found his room..' 'did you raid his drawers??' 'No! I found flags on his walls... he's Gay..' 'oh! So there is a chance he likes you!' 'I know! Not the point tho getting off track! But he does have the cutest style..' 'Ashy.' 'Sorry! Uhm.. When I went to get Andrea... uhm help from his dad.. He... He said I was his boyfriend so his dad wouldn't kill me..' 'You liked it when he called you that did you...?' 'Yes... I kinda wanted it to stay that way...' 'Oh sweet heart..' 'okay wait but why did you break into the house-' another smack to the head. 'Again! Abith! Not the point of the story! Keep up.. your poor children...' 'I just.. I couldn't tell what he was thinking when I left him there he was just...blank faced like he was thinking..! And I called him oerfect and he heard me!' 'What was his reaction??' 'I kind of yelled it behind a shut door and ge just memtioned he heard it which made me yell at him to shut up...' 'Ohh... that's a rough patch... Its okay. I have an Idea! Aunty Dona to the rescue!' 'What's the Idea??' 'Take him a card. And some flowers, with some of his favorite trinkets or snacks or whatever he likes, just some small things in a little basket-' 'Dona.. You know I don't... like doing random pointless gifts.' 'Alright. Then use your mouth. Your mouth and your heart. Let the heart do the talking though not your brain. Then you're going to fuck it up properly. But knowing you you have a bigger heart than brain anyway, Not the bad way though.' 'Thanks Dona...' 'Oh you're welcome dear...' 'Okay but.. He would probably still appreciate the gift basket.' Another smack. 'Sit still you're going to mess up the dye! How many times must I tell you!?' I laugh before Hugging Dona and she hugs me back. 'Now go on and talk to the love of your life. Go catch that fish of yours! And remember big tanks! Fishes like big tanks. It will fill with grime but it takes work to clean and maintain.' 'Thanks Mom... I-.. I- mean.. Dona...' 'It's alright... If you want to You can call me mom as well... I'll never replace her.. but I can be your second.' I hug her again but tighter. 'Thanks mom..' 'Go on go catch that fish before you make me cry and fuck up this idiots hair.' I laugh before leaving again and heading back to the hideout where I'm stopped when I hear Clide. 'Zade wants to talk to you in his room. GOODLUCK!' 'What..?' 'Just go.' I sigh pinning my ears down and head to Zaidens room but there's a violin playing. [see song above ^] As I'm standing listening I'm trying to decide between obeying Clide's threat about staying away from the music or the request to talk to him. Fuck either way I'm probably dead. I open the door to notice Zaiden playing a really beautiful song on the violin and something in his violin case catches my eye making me walk over and stare at the pictures. They're 3 different photos of an adult and a kid learning violin. They look so... Happy... I hear the violin suddenly stop before turning around to Notice Zaiden staring at me with a hand behind his head. 'I didn't think.. you'd want to talk to me..' 'I.. don't I'm kind of terrified so don't torture me and make it quick and simple..' 'I'm not going to kill you..' 'You're not..?' 'No.. why would I kill you?'  'For yelling at you, Annoying you hurting your feelings, Getting kidnapped nearly getting you caught, pissing off your dad, Interrupting your violin-' I find myself shutting up when I feel the touch of 2 hands on the sides of my face. 'Just shut up already.' Zaiden leans forward kissing me and I just kind of stand frozen trying to process what's happening. When he pulls away from me he stares at me and I notice his Gaze soften for the first time. 'I-..' 'Am.. Am I taking it too fast..?? Shoukd I not have done that?? I-.. I didn't think- I'm sorry-' 'Oh my gods shut up and let me think..' 'About what..? You said you liked me back I don't-..' 'No! I'm trying to figure out if this is a trick, a dream or if..' 'Well it's not a dream.. and I wouldn't trick you..' 'But.. why?? After everything..??' 'Because you're... you're...' 'I'm..?' 'I'm finding it difficult to explain...' '.. Did an error occur..?' 'Because if that! You just you in general! That's why! You just existing drives me nuts!' 'Why would it drive you nuts..??' 'Because I never get to fucking kiss you when I want you to shut up or hold you in a tight hug when I need you to tell me everything will be okay..!' 'You.. really want that..?' 'Yes!' '...Why didn't you just ask me idiot??' 'Because for some moronic reason you thought you were straight!' 'Oh! Fair point...I'm not a bottom though!! I'm a switch!' 'See? Now I can shut you up.' Zaiden leans forward again kissing me and I kiss him back before he oulls away again. 'Okay.. Yeah I'm definitely gay for you.' 'Aw, for me?' 'Yeah, But only you.' 'Good to know. Less drama to worry about.''Oh shit your dad...' 'He's going to be so pissed at first!' Zaiden starts laughing and I nudge him. 'Its nit funny! I'm going to have my head hung on a wall!' 'No you won't, I'm messing with you. Just.. don't pickpocket him.' 'Can I pickpocket you? I gotta show off somehow.' 'Eh, Sure.' Guess where we are right now.

'Hey dad! So uh.. I got news..' I look up at Kaiden before staring back down at the ground. 'What is it?' 'So me and Ash are actually dating now... Yayyyyy.' Zaiden holds up my hand and I watch his dad pulling up an eyebrow before I hear his mother in the back. 'Zaiden you finalky got an official boyfried..!?' 'Yes mom please don't-' 'ohhh! I'm so hapoy for you!! It's been such a long time! Maybe now your rut will finally go back to normal and you can start eating again and get married and have kids-' 'Mom-!' 'Sorry too far?' 'A tad bit.' 'Oh I'm just so happy for you! When do we get to meet the other side of the family??' 'Oh uhm... Mom..' 'What is it.. are they bad people...?' 'Let's.. yeah let's just go with that..' I glance over at Zaiden befkre snickering to myself. 'What's so funny..?' 'Well.. My dad was a waterskide park owner amd died going down one of the slides actually.' 'I-' And my mom is.. uhm.. she's a hairdresser. Nearby.' 'Ohhh is she nice?' 'She's.. the nicest. You can meet her if you'd like. She lives people. If they're not turning their head while she's working that is.' 'She sounds so familiar, Is it that hair dresser Dona??' 'Wait that's the hairdresser you drag me with you to mom. That you go to for gossip.' 'That's her..' 'She never told me she had a kid.. I would've never guessed!' 'I'm actually adopted... I guess.. sort of.' 'Oh! No it's alright I understand. Oh I can't wait to have family meetings! It'll be so much fun!' 'It'll be a lot of fun.' 'Amanda-' 'Shut up! You're just jealous you can't go with any of your friends!' I sigh before clinging to Zaiden's arm but this time, I'm actually enjoying it.

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