[Chapter 3]

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'And here's where you'll be sleeping! Excuse the mess.. We tried to clean it as best we could.' I stare at the room putting a hand behind my head. 'Nah it's fine, I'm not really bothered.' 'Also there might be light ghost shrieks, but those are just the tortured souls..' I hear Mike taunting from behind us and I just pick up my shoe tossing it at him. 'Ow! What gives!?' Tannar starts snickering and I just make my way into the room before I reach up catching my shoe. 'Thanks for tossing it back Mike!' 'I- Hey!' I shut the door before flopping down on the bed. Today was way too long.. I sigh rolling onto my side and hug a pillow before slowly dozing off to sleep for the night. When I wake Up I sit up rubbing at my eyes before I hear a gunshot outside making me flinch. 'The fuck..?' I get up and grab my pistol before heading over to the door and I try to listen for anything but it's completely silent other than another gun shot going off. I might not be able to fight but I can aim pretty damn well. I slowly open the door and poke my head out to an empty area before I head closer to where the gunshots are coming from. I finally reach Zaiden's room and when I open the door it's completely empty except for this bed sitting facing the door and I perk my ears up before I feel a cloth covering my mouth before I jolt up right and I look around to notice I'm in the bedroom again. I sigh trying to calm myself before Nora jumps up onto the bed and grabs my jacket sleeve pulling my out of bed and over to Zaiden's room. 'What.. What is it girl?' Nora starts clawing at the door and I try turning the door knob but it's no use. It's locked or something. I turn to face away from the door before Kicking it in to find Zaiden sitting on the floor with his head down and his claws digging into his arms. Nora quickly runs over to Zaiden and forces his arms away from him before he looks up and I can see him crying. I lower my ears before Clide comes running over and curses under his breath running over to Zaiden who's now clawing at his chest. I start backing away and head back to my room with my ears pinned down. That's.. none of my business.. But for some reason I felt so bad for him.. The fuck happened..?? I spend most of the rest of the night hugging a pillow and sitting up staring at the walls of my window less room. I'm not going to be sleeping any time soon.. I keep hugging the pillow until eventually there's a knocking at the door and Clide walks in closing the door. 'Uhm.. You broke down Zaiden's door last night..?' 'I only did it cause Nora looked panicked and wanted me to.' 'No, You're not in trouble it's a good thing.. I Didn't know he was having an episode..' 'Episode..?' 'Uhm.. Zaiden has.. Episodes... where he goes into a slight panic mode..' 'He does..?' 'Yeah.. You're not the only one..' I pin my ears down staring down. 'That's not a good thing..' 'Never said it was.. It just.. I think it's good that Zaiden doesn't have to go through it alone anymore.' 'What the fuck are you talking about??' 'You know better about panic attacks and episodes, I just..' 'Uh-uh, No way I'm not involving myself in that. I have enough Issues of my own!' 'I'm just saying there's a reason Nora came to get you first last night.' Usually she comes to get me, She barely knows you though and yet.' 'Look Clide.. i'd love to help. But I don't know anything about Zaiden. I only know he's letting me stay here until I either die, run away, or until I'm no longer being hunted to be made into a friggin rug!' 'Wellll-' 'What do you- Why are you doing that??' 'The first and last one may be more accurate but uhm, Yeah you're not getting away, Those guys have more skill than it seems at first.' 'Who?' 'Y'know the guys that want to uh.. As you out it.. Turn you into a rug.' Clide taunts laughing before I throw him with a shoe but he catches it. 'Oi! I'm just saying.' 'Yeah yeah..so basically, I'm stuck here..?' 'Basically.'  'How dare you lock me away in here.' 'I- it was literally just- It just happened.' 'It's your fault, Clide.' 'How- Oh right we did kinda kidnap you..' 'Tannar just wanted to talk.' 'Oh shush I wasn't going to blame him... Lizzy wanted to play waiter.' 'I- wow.. You guys really got eachother's backs huh?' 'Well, As a team that's been basically killing millions of people, Yes we do, As A family of idiots, Not really no.' I smile at his comment before shoving my face into mt pillow. 'You might not wanna do that, pretty sure freya sucked someones blood on that pillow.' 'Ew!!' I toss the pillow at him causing him to laugh and toss it back. 'I'm kidding! Are you.. feeling okay?' 'I'm fine.. just a lack of sleep.' I lean over putting my head in my hands. 'Why? Was it because of Zaiden..?' 'No.. I had a nightmare- forget about it. Shut up.' I get up and walk towards the door before Clide stops me. 'Woah where are you going?' 'To get breakfast-' 'It's dangerous out there we have food just grab something.' 'I'm not keeching off of you guys-' 'You kinda don't have a choice. You're not going out there.' 'Ugh! I hate You guys.' 'Welcome to the team buddy!' A little kid who looks no older than 5 suddenly comes bolting into the room with Nora chasing him while hes giggling and he nearly runs straight into me. 'Malikai! What did we say about running around new people??' Clide scolds before the kid apologizes staring at him. 'Is.. he your kid?' 'Nah Zaiden's.' 'He has a kid..??' 'Yeah.' 'But he's... does Malikai know?' 'What? That his dad kills people for a living? Yeah he knows.' 'My dad is awesome! Speaking of who the heck are you anyway??' 'He's that ghastly person from television.' 'Really?? You're so cool! You're so fast and slick!' 'How old are you??' 'I'm turning 5.' 'He has a great vocabulary for a 5 year old..' 'Yeah he's pretty smart.' 'I bet he gets it from his dad..' 'Who Zaiden? Nah they're not biological family.. We found Malikai surrounded by a room of- Malikai cocer your eats or go to your dad.' 'Okay!' Malikai runs off before Clide continues. 'Surrounded by a room decorated with dead bodies.' 'Good lord..' 'Oh yeah, Malikai did it.' 'What??' 'He was only 2.' 'How the fuck..!?' 'Well... if you get to know us well enough we'll let you in on a little secret.' 'You guys are mad... I love it.' 'And I think Zade might love you.' Clide turns to walk away before I oerk my ears up. 'Excuse you!? I'm straight!' 'Ha! Funny!' 'I'm serious!' I lower my ears growling at him before rolling my eyes and sneaking out anyway. I am not about to mooch off of a bunch of killers. If I'm going down it's for my own great feats. Not for working under Anubis. I head back to my little Café where I order breakfast and make small talk with the waitresses again. As Were talking I start getting in my head as the watress walks off and I stare diwn at the coffee on my table. "Zade might love you" 'The fuck..' first off I'm straight, Second off, ew, no! He murders people! No thanks! Sure I steal but I don't harm anyone. Suddenly there's a screaming outside making my ears perk up and I run to see what's going on before I notice I woman who's staring up at a building. As I look up theres a guy standing on the edge and I sigh as I walk closer outting my mask up and pulling on my cap as I stand ready. Eventually the guy does actually jump and I run over timing it before catching him and falling down into the side of the building to stop the momentum. 'Ow..' 'why- Why would you do that??' 'Because I didn't want my breakfast to be ruined because I saw a human be turned into a pancake.' The woman from earlier comes running iver hugging the man as he moves closer to the woman and I suddenly hear a bunch of clapping chermering making me look uo and I notice a crowd of people gathering around me as I pull my ears down and cocer my face more getting and and heading back to the café but everyone keeps swarming me stopping me from getting snywhere and they start backing me into the building. 'You just saved that man!' 'You're a hero! Tell us your name!' 'How sweet of you!' 'Please back away from me..' I try to yell but it comes out in small whimper noises as I feel my hands start shaking and I try forcing my way through the crowd before the lady from before stops me. 'Oh how can I ever thank you for saving my husband..??' She suddenly pulls me into a hug making me nearly comoletely lose it as I jump back backing away until I'm up against the building again and I pull my knees up to my chest trying to ignore the crowd but I'm suddenly able to hear every single word at once until everything just goes completely quiet. Everything suddenly comes back as I feel a hand touching my shoulder making me flinch and scramble away from it. 'Shit.. Ash what happened?' I look up just to stare directly at clide who's blocking me from the crowd and he helps me up helping me get away. He helps me into a car locking the doors before driving us to where I assumed is back to their hideout. ''Are you okay..? What happened..?' 'The.. they sw-swarmed.. me.. I couldn't.. bre-breathe..' I try to explain as I try catching my breath and I try to calm myself before I notice the blood on my hands making me panic more. 'Tha-that guy did- Did he die..? Did.. did I save him? I thought.. I thought I caught him he thanked me..! Did.. I just imagine it..?? 'Hey yeah, don't worry you did save him..' 'Who.. whose blood is this then..?' 'Uhm... I'm.. not sure. We can figure that out at the hideout okay?..' I nod hugging myself again and when we reach the hideout, Clide takes me inside before I notice everyone staring at me again and Nora quickly runs over to me jumping on my lap as I sit down on the couch and Clide leaves. 'What the fuck haooened Clide??' 'I don't know entirely.. Injust fucking need the med kit.' 'I'll sit with him.' 'Okay keeo him fucking calm..' Zaiden walks over hesitantly sitting next to me before pulling my hands away with Nora's help as she wiggles between my arms and my chest. 'Shit...U-uhm...' Clide suddenly comes back over before him and Zaiden try to make a team effort of taking my jacket off while I'm starting to freak out because of the touching and Zaiden gets up walking away.  'Ash- I'm not going ti hurt you I just want to help.. You're bleeding really badly..' 'I don't care! I don't trust you! Get the fuck away from me!!' I cover my face in Nora's fur which helos me calm down a bit until Lizzy comes running over. 'Clide let me try, Ash.. Hey look at me..' I tilt my head up slightly to see Lizzy is staring at me. 'It's okay.. we just need to get the shirt and Jacket off to stitch the cuts on your chest.. Can we do that..?' I slowly nod before I feel someone slightly tugging at the jacket again and I let them take it off before I sit back noticing how covered in Blood Nora is. 'Did.. I-I hurt Nora..?' 'No no! Nora is fine see?' Nora wags her tail and barks before Clide leans down next to me and he starts stitching my wounds which I bareky feel for most of the time until he reaches my arms that are more sensitive due to past wounds. 'I'm almost done..just keep holding on for this last bit..' 'I-I-... I'm fine now... by the way... I'm.. sorry for the freak out... and now poor Nora is covered in my fucking blood...' 'nah it's okay she's used to it. She'll just be getting another bath tonight, Right bud?' Nora barks again wagging her tail still and I laugh before flinching at one of the stitches. 'Sorry! My bad.' 'It's okay... where did Zaiden go..? Wasn't he here too..?' 'I think.. he needed some fresh air with Tannar..' I watch Lizzy shoot Clide a look and he sighs. 'Go ahead I got it.' Lizzy quickly runs off before Clide backs away from me and sits normaly as he grabs a bandage. 'So.. what happened..?' 'Some guy.. jumped off the roof of a building and I didn't want my breakfast to leave the way it got inside my stomach so I caught the guy and the crowd just... started..swarming around me...' i suddenly feel my hand get slapped and I look up to Clide. 'Don't! I just put those stitches in. I am not doing them again.' 'I-I-.. sorry I... Just the thought of it just... There's never been that many people swarming me...' 'I know.. it's stressful.. social anxiety does that...do You mind if I ask.. why you were so panicked about us touching you...? I mean you know us right..?' 'I-.. I don't.. really know you that well is all... and after all the panic I just...I just lept seeing his face...' 'I-.. it's okay I get it. Just try to relax right now. Did you finish breakfast?' I shake my head and Clide walks off before later coming back with a plate kf food and a cup of coffee. 'Here.' 'Thanks..' 'What'd you do without us?? See it's a good thing you met me!' 'Shut up..' I stare at him before he outs a hand behind his head. 'To be fair that would've happened today regardless and if we never kidnapped you-' 'I probably would've made breakfast in my apartment-' 'True, But you might've been outta eggs or bacon.. Unless you're vegan, then maybe parsley or.. whatever you guys eat, I'm not a big plant guy. 'I'm.. Not vegan chill.. I just... seem to be having a really bad stroke of luck recently..' 'Well to be fair, we did kind of kidnap you... so that wasn't badluck it was more like friendly advice given forcefully.' 'Oh right yeah.. Like that makes it any better?' 'It does.' 'Clide.' I turn to see Zaiden walking back with Lizzy and Tanner before they all go their seperate ways and Zaiden makes his way back over to me. 'You.. okay?' 'No.. I tore my favorite hoodie to spreads...' 'I-.. I'll buy you a new one.' 'I'm kidding.. I couldn't care less about the hoodie. I'm worried about the fact I could've fucking died just then.. and in the fucking worst way ever..' 'Clide did tell you not to go out-' I turn to look at him making him go quiet and I pull my ears down. Geez what a friggin day..

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