[Chapter 4]

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I hear sudden yelling coming from the living room and I quickly make my way over to see Zaiden pointing a gun to Tannar. 'Hey! Put the gun down Zaiden!' 'What? Why?' 'Because why are you trying to shoot Tannar!?' 'I'm not, I'm trying to shoot the apple off his head because these idiots don't believe me.' 'You might kill-!' Suddenly the gun goes off making me flinch and look away. 'You hit it!' 'Obviously.' 'Shit..' Mike cusses before all of them start handing Zaiden money. 'Hey Ash! How's it feel to have been a part of our group for a month already??' 'Has it already been that long..?' I notice everyone start to get worried looks and I just sigh. 'It's uh.. been great. I just kinda miss the freedom..' 'We get it, you don't like it here. Once we get hustler sorted out you can go back to robbing banks for no good reason.' Zaiden seems pissed as he hands Clide the gun and walks off but my attention is caught by the television as well and the others'. 'Breaking news. After an encounter 2 weeks ago, the unknown hero, who saved a suicidal man's life, was finally recognized and is now under investigation. Police have found him missing and they're now on the hunt for the young man. His neighbors say they heard a gun shot the day he went missing with a blond haired tall male. The police have mentioned he does have a sister, who went missing ages ago, and they're now worried that for whatever reason, the young man may also be in danger.' 'You.. have a sister Ash??' I heard the question but for some reason I find myself turning back to my bed and closing the door behind me as I sit down. Who am I kidding? Andrea is probably already dead.. Why am I still looking..? I hear a knock at the door before Zaiden walks in closing it behind him. 'Uhm.. I didn't know you had a sister...' 'Yeah well she's probably dead in someone's basement somewhere thanks to my father!' 'Who's your father..?' 'Don't bother I already put him in a grave..' 'I-..' 'I'm.. sorry I just...' 'You wanted out to go look for her..' 'Yeah... But there's no point! She's probably already dead! I'm not a good brother at all! I tried so fucking hard but I still couldn't help her..!' 'How long has she been missing..?' 'Since I was 6...' '18 years..?' 'Yeah..' 'Shit.. Why didn't you say anything? Maybe I can see if anybody has seen her... Does she look anything like you?' 'I only have a picture of us when we were 4 and 5...' 'She's.. only a year apart..?' 'Yeah.. She's a year older..' I reach over to my wallet pulling out a small foto of myself at 4 standing nest to my much Taller 5 year old Blonde haired sister, with blue and red heterochromia eyes. Nora suddenly comes running in the room and jumps on my lap so I just hug her as I watch Zaiden staring at the photo. 'You.. said you're... 24 right?' 'Yeah..? She's 25 in a couple of days...' 'I think.. I might know where she is... Stay here with Clide, I'm going to head out.' Zaiden hands me the photo back before bolting for the door with Mike behind him. 'Hey!' I run over to them blocking their way. 'You know where she is!? Take me with you!' 'No way it's too risky..' 'Zaiden she's my sister!' 'And you can't fight Ash, now go back to Clide..' 'No! I wanna go with!' 'Clide.' Clide walks over pulling me out of the way before Zaiden leaves with Mike and Clide forces me to sit down on the couch. 'I hate you..' 'You'll love me soon enough.' It's more than 3 hours later and I'm dozing off on the couch next to Clide. 'You want to go to bed..?' 'No.. I'm fine..' 'Ash, you look like you haven't been sleeping..' 'I haven't... Everything I did, It was all to find my sister.. I was hoping that somehow.. I'd find enough connections to help her figure out a way to contact me but nothing I did ever ended up that way.. I don't rob the banks for money, I go in to find a secret passage way hiding something. Or in jewelry stores.. Or the houses I break into that nobody even knows about. I was hoping if I got on the news maybe there's a sliver of a chance she'll see it and know I'm looking fir her so she doesn't give up on hope...' 'Ash.. how...did your sister go missing...?' 'My father sold her to some guy who was going to force her to marry him when she turned 14..' 'Shit...' 'Clide sighs before Nora comes over licking my face. 'Hey.. where's that Malikai kid anyway..?' 'He mostly stays with his grandparents or.. Zaiden's parents because Zaiden doesn't want him around here in case he gets caught. That's why he's always out so much.' The door suddenly Opens making me jump up and I watch Zaiden Carrying a girl in his arms as he brings her over to the couch. 'Clide-' 'I'm on it!' As Zaiden puts her down I hardly recognize my own sister who's right in front of me. He face is all bruised up and bloody, as well as the rest of her body thats being covered up by Zaiden's hoodie. Clide comes running over and he leans down to check on her as I just try to keep calm while frozen in place. Clide moves the hoodie up revealing a massive stab wound and Clide Immediately starts checking it out and tries to fix it. 'It's fucking bad where'd you find her!?' 'Garnos.' 'That fucking creep!? No wonder she looks like this.. but how'd you know she'd be there..??' 'Ash bears a resemblance to a guy my dad used to know who worked for Garnos. Remember Damian?' 'That Asshole??' 'You knew my father..?' 'Well not me, No but I asked my dad about it. So I kinda raided his place and killed a few people in the process before finding her tied to a fucking electric cha-' 'Zade.' I pull my ears down and stare back at Andrea. She was tortured so badly... And I couldn't help her... 'Ash, I'm sure she's okay... let's just let Clide do his thing..' Zaiden pulls me over to another room where I start suddenly breaking down while Zaiden is trying to comfort me. The only thing I can think about is how much I want to just give my life to Andrea instead. Why couldn't I have been the one to be tortured..?? Why did it have to be my sister?? When Ive finally calmed down Enough Clide brings her over putting her on the bed before Mike walks over handing him a blood bag which he attaches to her arm. 'She's fine. She just needs time to heal, and adjust. Try not to be too quick with her. We'll leave you alone with her for a bit..' Clide leaves with mike and Zaiden leaving me alone and I go sit down next to Andrea on the floor while holding her hand with my head down on the bed trying not to cry. I finally got her back.. Will she even remember who I am..? Or what happened to her..? I'm just glad she wasn't there that night it all happened... I can't imagine what she would've thought of me... She can't know what happened that night.. she can never know... 'A-Ash..?' 'Andrea...?' I look up to see my sister's eyes that used to be sparked with joy now dull and gray from all the pain she's had to go through. The only color left is her blue and red, I always found her to be the prettiest girl I'd ever known. My mother was always a close second but I found it hard to compare the two. 'No... it... it can't be... this is just another dream... but I don't want to wake up... I don't want you to leave again-' 'No Andrea.. No no.. I'm real... it's not a dream I'm... I'm real I'm right here...' Andrea slowly sits up before grabbing at her stomach but I move her hand away from the bandaged area. 'Hey, Take it easy you're hurt really badly..' 'I-... This is... real..?' I nod and she glares around the room. 'Where... Are we..?' 'At a hideout... a safe Hideout..' 'Ash... Please don't leave me again..' My sister starts breaking down into tears and I get up sitting on the bed next to her hugging her. 'I won't ever leave you again...' Andrea starts crying into my shoulder clinging to me and I just let her.

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