Pure Vanilla: Hypocrite

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"And what about your companions? Do they also deserve their positions?"

His face immediately scrunched. "Euch. Absolutely not. They all have defective personalities."

The healer stamped down his urge to defend Cacao's child. "What makes them so terrible?"

"Would you like a list?" He watched in disbelief as Licorice took a whole journal out of his robes, flipping through the pages. He was handed a torn sheet he and tilted his flower to it, but Licorice started narrating everything on the paper, making it useless.

"Pomegranate is everything bad in the world. She always bosses everyone around and acts so superior to the rest of us. Red Velvet cares for nothing but his dogs. Dark Choco is kind of slow, and he doesn't talk to anyone. Strawberry Crepe is loud and annoying, but at least they don't tend to spend time in the castle."

"And what of Poison Mushroom cookie?"

He paused. "Poison Mushroom is a good kid."

He chuckled. "At least you aren't alone in her future."

"Yeah, say what you want about him, but the kid's not bad.

"...Why do you hold such negative opinions about Dark Choco anyway?"

A flash of guilt crossed the other's face, quickly followed by disgust. "Right, you two apparently know each other. What's up with that anyway?"

"It was a long time ago. The Dark Choco cookie you are familiar with is far removed from me."

The reaper squirmed, as though talking bad about the dark cookie to a former acquaintance made him uncomfortable. He hesitated before replying. "He's a doormat. He listens to the Dark Enchantress without question- which is not a bad thing!" he added quickly. "His nature extends to Pomegranate too, that's what sucks. She'll hurt him and he'll still do what she says. It's pathetic. Avoid getting between those two if you to enjoy your time here."

Not likely. Seeing his destroyed castle did not qualify as a good time, and he had already decided to do something about Dark Choco cookie's situation. "Does Pomegranate dislike him?"

"Absolutely despises him. I'm not even sure why." Pure Vanilla opened his mouth, but Licorice cut him off. "No, I know why. What I don't understand is the reason she takes everything so far."

He was almost afraid to ask. "What exactly does she do to him?"

"Her torture is entirely mental. I don't know what he sees, but the screams" The reaper shivered. "They're unpleasant."

He stiffened. How long had this been happening? Dark Choco cookie isn't someone who just lays down and takes a beating. The child would fight back. Had he been hurt so much he had just given up? A righteous fury started to burn in him. White Lily would not take well to the death of her servant, but anything short of that could fly. Pure Vanilla will try his best to protect his friend's son, damn the consequences.

"Our mistress allows her to use her powers on us, though thankfully he's the only one she targets."

"The Dark enchantress may change the order if I ask." If not, he had more drastic actions on the table, though those plans may not be necessary. His talk with her before the meeting echoed in his mind. She was willing to make some...exceptions when it came to Pure Vanilla. Though he would rather not offer her anything, if it came down to protecting Dark Choco, he would give up far more than a few locks of his hair.

The reaper was giving him a considering look, warier than he had been previously.

"Licorice cookie?"

"Why are you here? Someone like you shouldn't be part of the cookies of darkness."

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