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"I don't know what came over me." Gabriel rasped softly. Koko and the twins had drifted back to sleep, snuggled inbetween their parents.

"Seeing you hurt and hearing you cry out like that.....and if I hadn't moved as quickly as I did, Neil would have...." Eden squeezed his still shaking hand. "But I'm fine now and so is Neil. You saved him."

"I'm sorry." Gabriel said. "I've made a huge mess of things when you should be resting and spending time with the family...." Gabriel stroked each baby's head, blinking away the tears. They were so little, so precious.....

Polaris, Gallifrey and Mercury were once that small......and he had promised to always love and to protect them. Instead he had lost control of his emotions and had taken it out on his child. What kind of father was he?

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing too beloved." Eden pulled his hand towards her and gave it a kiss.

"You know what you have to do, Gabe."

Gabriel nodded as he gave Koko, Neil and Terri each a kiss before his lips met his wife's.

"Yes." The Archangel rasped. "I do."

"Crowley, why don't we invite Muriel to our Thanksgiving celebration? I'll ask Gabriel and Eden first of course. I'd think it would be perfect for us all to catch up and for her to meet the children." The children were still hungry despite the snickerdoodles so Crowley decided to whip up a quick supper. The grandchildren and grandparents were enjoying beans on toast, a specialty of Crowley's, who, in Eden's and the children's opinion, made the best beans on toast in the world.

"I'd think that'd be a good idea Angel." Crowley replied. "They're already inviting Eric and Hester, I'm sure they won't mind another guest."

"Is that beans and toast I smell?" Everyone turned and saw Gabriel and Eden, each holding a twin, with Koko waddling beside them as the group entered the dining room.

"Little One, shouldn't you be resting?" Aziraphale rose from his chair as Crowley rushed to her side. "Are you okay, love?" He shot a concerned look at Neil. "How's Neil?" It took all of Crowley's self control to not snarl at Gabriel. But since he was the one holding Neil he didn't dare risk frightening him.

"He's fine Daddy and so am I. I also wanted to make sure you guys didn't start making the cranberry sauce without me!"

As she said this, Aziraphale had reached her side and said, "Of course sweetpea, but only if you're going to rest as we work. I don't want you to over exert yourself when you are clearly meant to be resting."

Eden rolled her eyes as Aziraphale took Terri from her arms and placed her in her highchair. The angel then turned to her, and gently guided her to her seat as if she might lose her way. "Papa, I can get to my chair just fine...."

But Aziraphale continued to fuss and served her a generous portion of beans and toast, much to her delight.

Crowley, meanwhile, had busied himself by helping Koko into her own highchair and then giving everyone a fresh cup of cocoa. He had made the batch this time. He didn't think it was as good as his husband's but everyone claimed it was just as tasty.

Once Gabriel made sure Neil was settled in his own highchair he turned to meet Polaris's anxious gaze. "Polaris, can I talk with you in private for a bit?"

Polaris nodded, clearly a little frightened. Crowley tensed, "I don't think-"

Crowley was cut off when he felt someone grab his hand. Crowley glanced down and met the blue gaze of Eden. "It's okay Daddy, can you help me feed the twins?"

Crowley watched as Gabriel took Polaris by the hand and led him out of the dining room.

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