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"There, there now. You know your father didn't mean to be so harsh with you." Aziraphale soothed Polaris. The boy was sitting on his Grandfather's lap nibbling on a cranberry. "He's just concerned for your mother and brother."

Aziraphale, Crowley, Gallifrey, and Mercury were in the kitchen, washing off the freshly plucked cranberries in the kitchen sink when a still very upset Polaris came downstairs. 

"He didn't have to be an ass about it though!" Crowley growled. "He should know that it was an accident!" 

"Never mind that now, go join your siblings in the family room and have some of the tea I made. Then we'll get started on the cranberry sauce, go on now." Aziraphale pecked Polaris on the cheek and after Crowley gave him a fierce hug,  Polaris went to join Mercury and Gallifrey in the family room. 

"That bastard." Crowley snarled. "No one talks to my grandson like that. Not even his bellend of a father!"

"Crowley….." Aziraphale rasped. "Please don't start anything. You know where Gabriel is coming from…." Gabriel had become severely overprotective ever since…..

"I'm going to deal with this now, before it gets out of hand, although in my opinion it just did!"

Bad Omens: The Last NovellaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz