Sweet Awakening

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A growling sound made it's way through the basement. Y/N still sitting on the floor, their arms chained to the wall. They moaned in pain, it was way to long without any food. No light made it into the basement, so there was no way to tell if it was daytime or night, or which day it even was. Y/N slowly slipped in unconsciousness as the door to the basement opened. 

A wanted to visit Y/N after 2 days, without recognizing them at all. He never gave them any food, nor any interaction with him. It's his way to ensure breaking them, so that they will love him like before. Y/N was never subtle with their attraction to A, it was from smaller looks in class to doing every presentation with him. But to them it seemed like he was unattainable, not interested in them at all. If Y/N would have known what obsession he had over them, they would understand why quite weird things happened. First no one wanted to do any presentation with them, but what they didn't know was that A threatened them so they will never do a project with Y/N ever again. Then those people that showed interest, were killed. All with the same pattern, that's where those murders started. It all makes sense now.

He sits on the floor and raised Y/Ns head, the plate with some food was placed beside him. A looked at their face, looking at every mark he loved oh so much. To him Y/N was an Angel, that was supposed to belong to him. They needed to be dependent on him and only love him for all eternity. Smaller blinks occurred, as Y/N was finally waking up.

" Hey doll, look I brought you food", A spoke with a hushed voice not wanting to startle them. It took some time for Y/N to come to their senses. The air was filled with a gorgeous smell of freshly made pancakes. Their stomach rumbled again, the lack of food really showing it's effect. "You still like them right? You once mentioned that you like them a lot", he said looking into their eyes, trapped as if he were in a trance. 

"Leave, I will not eat...", their broken voice only came out as a whisper. "What was that I couldn't hear you", he answered. As if something snapped in Y/N, they realized everything and every emotion came crashing into their system. "I won't eat those fucking pancake, you monster!!! What do you think this is huh? Trust me I will not break that easily", they screamed in his face. A clearly shocked moved backwards, never have you screamed at him before. "Fine, have it as you will. If you don't want to eat, that's your problem. I only wanted to be nice for once, so what makes you think that you can talk to me like that?", clearly he was offended. 

A laugh was building up. Y/N was laughing at his behavior,"Excuse me, you think you don't deserve that treatment? Well that's too bad, because I think you should be fucking treated like that. You were the one that kidnapped me! Don't give me that savior shit, I'm not a prize that you can win and keep.". He came closer to Y/Ns face, holding their chin in a tight grip. " Well darlin' look at my side of the story. You're mine and I wanted to keep it that way, this was the only solution. Don't even try to deny it, I saw the way you looked at me. It wasn't despair or disgust, more like admiration and love.", that's when Y/Ns feelings just went crazy. They never wanted this, what if they do anything wrong and they are just going to be another kill? Mood swings came in and hit Y/N like a storm. While they were laughing minutes ago, tears are building up in their eyes. " You were one of my best friends, kind and friendly to everyone around. What happened to that friend, why did you kill all those people? I can't bring myself to understand...", Y/N said while hiccuping every few seconds. "Shhh, my darlin' everything's gonna be okay. I did everything for us, for our love. I will make you see that this is all you need for your life and that you need no one else", he gently hugged them and held them to his chest. "I just want to go home...", Y/N sobbed into his chest, soaking his shirt with tears. "No can't do darlin'", A answered kissing the crown of their head. 

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