Hawkins Terror

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It was a quiet autumn morning in the town of Hawkins. The only thing disturbing the peace of the town was the accumulating cases of murder. A serial killer called Ghostface has been terrorizing Hawkins and its residents. Their victims are mostly teenagers but no one ever lived long enough to tell what happened. "All residents are called to be in uttermost attention and to only leave the house when necessary!", a voice emits from the radio. "Wow, they haven't caught them huh", Y/N said. Living together with her friend Alex, they both decided to stay at home and try to keep safe. "Yeah, it is unsettling if you ask me", Alex replied while sipping on her tea. Both friends have been living together since college and they share everything. "You know I do think that people in masks are hot", Alex said while quietly sipping on her tea. "Do you know what I think?", Y/N asked while having an annoyed facial expression, " I think your therapy is calling". Alex was shocked but laughed right away, "Well, at least I didn't have a crush on my history seatmate in college". "You take that back!!!", Y/N said while laughing and shoving Alex a bit. The laughter was not overheard but the friends stopped as soon as they heard a sound. "Y/N, did you hear that?", Alex questioned Y/N. An uneasy feeling spread in Y/Ns body, almost as if someone was watching them. "Maybe it wasn't the best idea to watch Halloween now was it?", Y/N asked right back. Suddenly their phone was ringing, a piercing sound that destroyed the awkward silence created by the two. "Hello? Who is this?", Alex answered the phone, her voice shivering and a bit uneasy. "Hello, who is this?", the voice of the unknown caller responds.

" Alex Summers, who are you and why are you calling"

"Oh, I'm no one but I do know you and your friend~"

"Please leave us alone, if this is a joke it's not funny dude"

"Alex Summers and Y/N, both friends since college and graduated in 2020, you guys are really cute. I do prefer Y/N tho if we're honest here"

"Leave us alone, we aren't interested and we would call the police. So shut the fuck up, dude!"

"That was a big mistake, I just wanted to know who I'm looking at...", that was the last thing they heard, as Y/N took the phone and hung up. Alex took Y/N's wrist and started to run into the kitchen, she pushed a kitchen knife in their hand and said to protect themself. Y/N just quietly nodded and sat in a corner, where they still have a peek at the front door. Soon quiet steps were heard from the basement stairs, they were approaching. "You take the one upstairs, I'll take my darling", a voice said. There wasn't just one person that was the so-called Ghostface, but two people. " Darling, it's not nice hiding from me.", one of them said as he walked closer and closer to the kitchen. A few tears fell from Y/Ns eyes, running wouldn't help as they would be caught in a minute. " Sweetheart, where are you? ", Ghostface was in the doorway to the kitchen. "Ahh, there you are darling. You can come to me I ain't gonna kill you.", he said opening his arms and tilting his head to the side. Y/N stood up and holds out the knife, " I'm not afraid of you, I will use this". Gripping all of their fury and anger, Y/N attacked him. They kicked him down to the floor, with no sign of Ghostface trying to stop Y/N. They were on top of him, straddling his waist and him holding her waist. Without thinking Y/N ripped off his face mask, revealing her old history seatmate A. "A!?", they were shocked. " Ohh this is new, but I could get used to you being on top of me", A responded while looking them up and down. "Why!?, this is crazy", their tears were flowing now no sign of stopping soon. A sat up with Y/N still in his lap, they began to hit his chest. He caught their fists in his hand. " Now now, I do like seeing you cry but this isn't the time right now love. You're coming with me and everything will be alright.", he said while pushing back a small strand of hair. "Yo A are you done?, I've got her. Take the other one with you, but secure them so they won't run away.", the other one said while carrying an unconscious Alex. After that statement, he left through the front door. „ Well, darlin' I'm sorry for what I'm about to do", A said while looking at their face with a confident look and an cocky smirk. „What the fuck-", that's the only thing Y/N can say, when A hit them with a

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