Monster in the basement

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Y/N woke up, a striking headache was coming up. A foul stench made it up their nose, it smelled like a corpse which was kept for to long. Y/N opens their eyes to a cold basement and a shadow looming behind them. "Well, well look who's awake", the voice behind them said, a smirk was clear in their voice. A ball gag was keeping them from speaking and the restraints were rattling as they realized their situation. " Keep your arms still, it ain't gonna help you doll", A said while standing in front of Y/N. 

He moved to the basement wall before Y/N and leaned against it. A chill made it way down Y/N's back, as he now wasn't wearing anything that could keep his identity hidden. No mask was seen, not the black floor long cloth he was wearing from before, just his normal attire. "Ahh, checking me out I see?", A got a zigarette from his pocket and lights it up. He stepped up to Y/N and crouched down to their level, while still having the cigarette in his mouth. 

" Now let's take that thing off...", A said before loosening the ball gag, that kept Y/N from speaking. To their surprise A was keeping one hand on their cheek, stroking it while looking in their face with a look of twisted affection. Y/N looked at him with disgust. They did not understand why showing affection was his plan now. "Where is Alex?", was the first question leaving their mouth. "Ohh how thoughtful, always thinking about others... that's exactly why I like you", he took their chin and tilted their head up. "Like me? I thought you were my friend... what is all of this?", Y/N asked not understanding how one of their best friends was changing his whole personality.

 A was an understanding friend, that loved history more than anything. To think that he was one of the murderers that have been terrorizing Hawkins, was breaking their mind. This was not the friend that Y/N knew, this was a changed monster that claimed to be in love with them. "Alex is with D, she likes him so that just leaves you here", A said breaking Y/N's trance. A small smile made it's way on to Y/N's face, they knew Alex would do such things. " Now a smile, that's what I like to see doll.", A caressed their cheek again, his eyes holding softness, but still holding on to that obessesive love. They tried to move their face backward but their head hurted so much it wasn't possible. If it meant to love him to escape, they would do it. Their love wouldn't even be fake, but it wouldn't be the same. Y/Ns crush on A never really stopped, but this wasn't the person that they fell in love with. This was a monster, a monster Y/N should have known. To be confronted with this disturbing love, was too much for them. Y/N spat in his face, „I will never love you". A loud slap was heard in the basement, A slapped them on the cheek.

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