Sonamy-My Sweet Passion

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This one shot was requested by FreeEagle528 enjoy!

Amy POV~

I sigh. "Same old place. Same old things." I say to myself. "Right birdie?" I ask my feathered friend.


"I miss the good old days with Sonic. Doing exciting missions. Chasing bad guys..." I say, having a flashback.

"But now he's gone. And there's nothing to do." I say, swinging my bag around. Station Square has been quite boring lately. I haven't seen Tails, Knuckles, Big, or Sonic. After Perfect Chaos and Eggman were defeated, Station Square has been rebuilt and now it's normal again. The Chao are singing, the strikers are yelling, and the mannequin man is better than ever. But who cares about them? I just want Sonic.

I remember going into Twinkle Park with Sonic as a couple, but then I was chased by one of Eggmans robots, Zero. I shudder and smack my green hammer against my hand repeatedly. But I defeated him and set the birdies free. And now they live with me, here in Downtown Station Square. But if I could do it again just to see Sonic again, in a heartbeat.

I keep walking until I reach my favorite store, Chocolate Cat. It's a little sweet shop that I go to every now and then. I buy a box of chocolate covered strawberries...Sonics favorite. I can't help but want to find him myself, but with a small girl like me, it'll be impossible. Sure, I found a birds family but finding a superspeed hedgehog is a whole nother story.

"Amy?" I look up from my thoughts. I see the blue blur himself, Sonic the hedgehog. "Sonic... it's you..." I say, getting up and backing away. "What's wrong Amy?" He says. "I thought you would miss me."

"You-you left me...for five years. I - I can't forgive you for that. You left with with no explanation...without even telling me..."


"Zip it Sonic!" I say slapping him across the face.

Sonic POV~

What?! What has gotten into Amy?! I left without telling her because I knew she would follow me! I didn't want her to get hurt ya know? Ahem and uhh she's annoying anywho. "Amy!! Just let me explain!" I yell, as sher runs off. Since she's not the fastest I sprint off after her. Soon enough we're running side by side. "Amy! Come on!" "No! You broke me inside!" She yells, swinging her Piko Piko hammer at me.


I duck down and she glares at me. "You suck Sonic the hedgehog. You really do." She says picking up the pace. I pick her up bridal style and keep running. "Let me go Sonic! I don't ever want to see you again! I can't belive I spent all my life chasing after you you stupid son of a-!" I interuppt her mid sentence by kissing her. I can feel her try to escape but she's no match. "S-Sonic..." I put a finger up to her lips as we speed off towards Twinkle Park.

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