Chapter 5

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I leaned my head against the outside wall of a department store in Sokovia, waiting for Wanda and Pietro to appear. It had been a day since the Hydra base we had been living in got destroyed by the Avengers. Even though it has been about 24 hours since I last saw Stark, I couldn't stop thinking about the small amount of pity that he had in his face. I had shown him the model of the bomb shell that destroyed Wanda and Pietro's apartment after all. I was thrusted out of my thoughts when Pietro zipped right next to me and hugged me tight. "I'm glad you're safe Alex." He whispered as he placed his chin on my shoulder. I gave him a small smile, "When wouldn't I be? Anyway, have you and Wanda discovered where that interference was coming from?" Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that Wanda has been sensing thoughts coming from the abandoned temple in the middle of the town that we all grew up in. He nodded, "I just wanted to see you first before telling you." My grin grew slightly and he whizzed me off to the old abandoned temple. There we met up with Wanda, who was pacing around at the entrance to the temple. It was then that a felt a small pain in my head that felt like a growing migraine. Wanda sensed that I was in pain and rushed over to me, "Are you okay?" I was about to answer when the headache intensified and it felt like my skull was being pulled apart from the inside out. It wasn't long until I blacked out from the pain.


I stood with Pietro at my side while leaning up against a railing of a balcony. We were on the roof of one of the many orphanages that we were moved to after the incident. We were 14 or 15 at the time, when my feeling towards Pietro were turning from friendship to what I thought to have been love. Our shoulders were touching and I could hear him breathing. All of a sudden, Pietro engulfs me in a bear hug. "Why did they have to die Alex? I could of saved them. I-I could of done SOMETHING." He quietly sobbed into my shoulder. I answered as I hugged him back, "Things happen for a reason Pietro. There wasn't anything you could of done. And, if you had gone to save your parents, who would of warned Wanda and I? Who would of saved us from getting crushed by rubble and debris? You, Pietro Maximoff, saved both of us." He nodded and pulled away slowly, almost hesitantly. Before he turned to leave, he leaned forward and kissed my cheek, "I'm glad that I saved you, Alexandra Ravencroff. Without you, I wouldn't be sane."

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