Trying to walk again and school

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Akaza POV:

Everyone has been really nice to me lately. I'm pretty happy about that. Because I've been getting better. Sometimes I'll try to bite but muzan will calm me down. It's mainly after a nightmare, and I'm freaked out. One day muzan came in.

"Hey so I was talking to the doctor, and he said you try to walk again. Do you want to try?" he asks me. I just nod my head. I've been getting tired of just sitting in bed all the time. Muzan helps me to my feet. We mainly just try to go to the other side of the room. I fell at least three times and my room isn't even that big. I keep trying but my feet just randomly give out. Which I hate. I'm supposed to be strong not so weak that I can't even walk around my room.

"Hey don't worry you just need to practice!" Muzan says, trying to cheer me up. I know that when I get back to school, people are going to question me a lot. Soon I can walk half of my room with no help. But I get too tired and muzan gets me back to bed. I drift off to sleep.

Muzan POV:

So I'm lucky because Akaza got poisoned a week before school ended. So he wouldn't miss too much school. Right now it's almost time to send him back to school, so I'm going to work with him to make it so he can at least walk around enough to go back to school. I contacted the school already, so they know that if he isn't walking well to help him get to his next class. And that he might fall over a few times. So I just asked them to keep an eye on him. In two weeks we would bring him back to school. So now we're just working with making him walk. So far he made great progress, so now I just have to make it so he can eat on his own. He still won't with the fear of his stomach hurting worse, so I have to convince him other wise. And daki and gyutaro would help make sure he wasn't in too much trouble with people questioning him.

Akaza POV:

Muzan told me that I should be able to walk right before school starts. I groan but I shrug it off. I keep practicing, and soon I can walk pretty well. But then I'm at the front of the school with muzan by me and we start to walk in. I don't want to go in but I have too. Once we're in I can tell I'm getting weird looks. Muzan helps me navigate to the office. They had requested that they see me before school starts to give me my schedule. Soon I'm at my first class. I walk in and the teacher tells me my seat. I'm a couple days late, but douma is in my class. He gives me a wave and I just ignore him. The teacher gives us free time which I wish he didn't because the whole class was around me asking me questions. Because I suddenly went missing a week before school ended, my family hated travel, and I showed up to school, a couple of days late. I try to get away from them, but my stomach starts to hurt a bit. I'm lucky because the teacher comes up and tries to get everyone to leave me alone. He gives me some assignments but tells me I don't have to do them, it's just an excuse to get the others to stop swarming me. I just end up doodling on the page and everyone else just talks. Douma sits by me like a personal body gaurd.

"Akaza, by the way our schedules are the same so I can help you!" Douma says. I groan a little but get back to doodling. Soon class is over and douma walks with me to our next class. Soon the day ends and Muzan comes and picks us up. I thought we were going straight home but he went to bloodbucks and got us some drinks and some treats. We went home and just binged some shows. Douma had to do homework while I got to watch TV, because I was home for a while.

Doctor Pov:

I'm in trouble. I should've told them. I knew it was bad keeping it a secret but I had to give him some hope...





I have to tell them the poison will come back......

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