The Doctor

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Akaza POV:

I woke up the next day, and my stomach feels a little better than before. But than I see that Muzan is walking in with a bowl of blood. And the same thing happens yesterday. I refuse the blood and my stomach started to hurt worse again, and then muzan left and came back with douma, and kokushibo. They hold me down and muzan force feeds me. He tells douma something, kokushibo left and douma nodded and left. I just lay there with muzan calming me while my stomach hurts. I end up falling into a distant sleep. But later I wake up to muzan still next to me. My stomach still hurts so I clutch it and then I see douma return with someone. I see that they're a lower moon. They set a bag down and grab somethings out of it and set them down on the table next to me. I can't tell what they are but I don't really care all I want to know is why they're here.

"Akaza they are here to help you" Muzan says to me. The lower rank came closer and put something on my chest. I try to squirm away but muzan holds me firmly.

"don't worry this doesn't hurt." They say to me. I don't listen and try to get away. Muzan holds me still while they attempt to do something else to me. I try harder to get away, but it just makes my stomach hurt worse. I clutch it while they stick something to my arm. Muzan is watching closely not wanting me to get hurt. 

"Ok so it says here that he has a really high pulse. Most likely because of how scared he if. Or it might be caused because of the illness." they say to muzan. He just nods in response. They keep poking me and putting stuff on me. Until they bring out a syringe. I try desperately to get away. But this time they are trying to get me to stop moving. Muzan had to leave to get some blood, because they had said I'll most likely need something to eat. Kokushibo is trying to calm me down. Douma leaves the room and 5 minutes later muzan comes back and picks me up and holds me harshly. They stick the syringe in my arm, and I try to yank away, but muzan holds me still. I let some tears fall as I was terrified of syringes. They take some of my blood and they take the syringe out. I was slightly shaking, as my stomach was hurting and I was scared that they were going to poke me again. Which I was correct because he brought out another syringe. I try to get away again, but this time Muzan is holding me still.

"Why do you need two syringes?" muzan asks, because he doesn't want me to freak out again.

"well I need it from different places on him. Just to see if whatever is happening to him is just in that spot or in his whole body. So this one goes in his stomach." They say. I try to get away again but Muzan is holding me still, as they put the syringe in my stomach. I'm shaking more now and Muzan is trying to hold me still. I manage to break free right as he's going to draw blood. The syringe is rapidly pulled out to not hurt me more and douma goes and catches me before I hit the ground. The blood on the table splatters on the ground and me. Muzan goes and grabs me from douma's arms and now I'm shaking violently. Muzan holds me more harshly as the syringe is put back into my skin, and drew more blood. Once he gets all the blood out he pulls the syringe out and puts a cab thing on it. He finishes putting everything away.

"I'll come back in a couple of days to give you the results in the blood work. I believe it most likely will have something to do around his stomach more than his arm but we will see." He leaves and Muzan is being more careful with me rubbing my back and asking douma to get more blood. I'm terrified because I don't know if he will come back or not and I just want to go back to sleep everything hurts now. My stomach hurts worse than even when I'm forced to eat. 

"Akaza I need you to eat. Your clearly starving so please just try to be a little more helpful when we feed you?" Muzan says to me while playing with my hair and trying to get me to calm down. I didn't want to eat. I didn't want anymore pain I just wanted it all to go away. Kokushibo and douma both come back with some more blood. They give the blood to muzan and they hold me down. I try to move but my stomach still hurts and I'm still shaking. Muzan feeds me and then he does the same thing after every time they feed me. He just sits there with me in his arms and trying to get me to calm down. Later I fall asleep but get woken up when muzan try's to move. He looks down and notices I'm awake. Or maybe it's because I started to clutch my stomach again.

"do you want me to stay with you while you sleep?" he asks me. I barely nod my head and this time he lays down with me and hugs me helping me fall back asleep. The next day the doctor is back. But this time douma is laying with me to keep me calm. They don't bring the bag only a stack of papers. 

"Ok so the good thing is this will pass in about a month or two. But for that long it will most likely be really uncomfortable for him." They discuss with muzan

"so what's wrong with him...?" Muzan says getting a bit annoyed he won't get to the point.

"well he's poisoned."

Fight to stay alive {Akaza angst}Where stories live. Discover now