..The Tree..

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Mully Pov...

"Hey mully!" Grant greeted me, "hey man" I smiled. The other 2 came up to me scrambling about something. "You wouldn't believe what Eddie did" gaege giggled. "Stop fool!" He laughed. "He asked someone out!" Gaege said moving eddies hand. "Dudee" Eddie whined. "Who?" I laughed. "Gabby!" Gaege bursted out laughing. "No chance dude" grant teased.

I looked behind the three who were laughing. I saw Josh sitting against a locker with his headphones on. I had a weird feeling in my stomach. I don't know what it was. I looked back up to see up motioning me to come to him. "Hey, boys I'll be back, Josh wants me" I excused my self. "Be careful dude" Eddie laughed.

"What's up?" I asked scratching my neck. "Sit, I can't talk to you up there dumbass." He laughed. I sat next to him. "You wanna skip class with me?" He said mischievously. I widened my eyes. "That's probably not a good ide-" he cut me off. "Don't be a loser, it'll be fun" he said smiling. Emphasizint fun. My mom would be mad at me if she found out. What if I went to detention. "So?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Uhm sure, why not?" I shrugged.

"Sweet! Come with me, class is gonna start anyway" he pulled my hand and ran out side. His hand is soft, and warm. I could hold it forever.. Snap out of it mully! "Here, this is my spot" we stopped at a large tree. It had blossoms on it and apples were on the ground from the tree next to it.

"Here you can have my last piece of gum" he offered. I took it and unwrapped it. We both sat down under the tree. "You listen to Eminem?" He asked looking at me. I nodded. "Sweet, what song you wanna listen to?" I thought for a second. "Uhm, Superman?" I shrugged. "Sure" he turned it on and sat his phone down beside the tree.

Is this our tree now? It feels like it. He wasn't as bad as the boys said he was. He was chill, nice, and cool. Not an asshole. Maybe they didn't get to know him so well. "How come you moved schools or whatever?" He asked. "Oh, well we had to closer to our Aunt. She was begging for us to move where she was" I laughed. He chuckled. "People say your the popular kid" I asked. "Really? I don't feel popular. Never got that compliment before" he said chewing his gum. "You got any other friends?" I asked smiling. "No, not really" he said looking into the sky.

My smile faded slightly. "But you're cool, and nice, how come?" I said. "You think I'm cool?" He said "To answer your question, I really don't have people talking to me. I'm really just the class or some people say, school clown" he giggled. "Never heard that one before" I smiled.

His beanie was close to his eyes, only letting a small piece of hair to stick out in front. His blue crystal eyes reflected the sun. "Have you ever got caught out here?" I asked. "Nah, when school ends I just head home" he replies. "They don't send your parents an email or anything?" I ask. "Nah." He replied fast.

I looked up at the pink flowers on the tree. "School here ends early huh" I said looking at the fence "Mhm" he mumbled. "Hey, mull, what's ya number?" He asked. "Oh, lemme see" I said pulling out my phone. I shared it to him. "Cool, I'll text you when I get home" he says. He stood up, grabbing his skateboard and bag. "Where you going?" I asked standing up. "Oh, I'm going home" he said. "It's not even time to go home butt head" I laughed.

"Well, I'm going to my hideout." He says. "Ohh, hideout?" I say in surprise. "Yeah, cya later, dont get caught bud!" He ran off and jumped over the fence making his pants slightly fall down. He's an idiot for sure.

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