.. 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 .. Chap 1.

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Mully Pov...

"Bye hunny! Have a great day!" My mum blew kisses out the window. On my first day too. I sighed and looked up at the large building. This is way bigger than my old highschool!

I walked in, seeing the hallways crowded with kids. Mostly people making out. And bullying some innocent kid. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder that startled me. I turned around to see 3 boys smiling at me. "Yo, you must be the new kid right?!" One of the boys asked. This one is really energetic "Uh.. Yeah?" I answered. "Sweet! Nice ta meet ya! My names Gaege, this is Grant and that ones Eddie.." He introduced himself and his friends. They seemed nice. "Cool, my names William, but call me Mully, its prefered" I smiled. "Soo, friends?" Grant asked. "Sure, why not" I accepted.

I looked behind them to see a kid that stood out. He wore baggy clothes and a beanie. "Who ya lookin at?" Gaege asked and turned around. "Him? That's Josh, kinda popular, we never talk to him, he's kinda.. " he cut off. "What he's trying to say, is that he's uhh, a asshole." Eddie said turning around. "Hm" I hummed.

They led me to a class, that was, math.. Math is ass. "Warning, this teacha is an asshole.. " Gaege nudged my elbow. "She's fucking insane" Eddie added.

We walked in the classroom, meeting the teacher next the corner. "Boys, not so great to see you, have you completed your missing work?" The teacher smiled in a non pleasant way. She's pretty, and ugly at the same time. "Uhhmm.. " Eddie gulped. "My frog ate it" Gaege jumped. "Your. Frog?.. Gaege you.. Ugh, Grant?" Grant looked at the teacher and handed a handful of paper. Sheesh. "Thank you" the teacher smiled. "Eddie, still haven't got an answer from you." The teacher immediately snapped. "I left it at home, I promise" he said. "Gaege, Eddie, your staying after school for detention to make it up" They both huffed and walked to their seats.

"You, and what's your name?" The teacher asked. "Oh, I'm William, but mully is my nickname" I said politely, not trying to get on her bad side. "Great to meet you, you sit in seat C 1, by Joshua." She looked over. "He's not here yet, late again" she marked down on her clipboard. I walked toward my seat and sat my things down.

I heard the bell ring, which means it's time for class. Ugh. "Who can answer this question?" The teacher asked pointing at the bell ringer, whatever that is. I heard a door open behind the class. We all looked back to see, what's his name.. Joshua? "Late again, detention after school for the 3rd time." She said. He popped his gum "Cool, can't wait" he said sarcastically.

He sat down next to me setting his book bag down that had a skateboard attached to it. "Alright class I need to answer an email real quick, read or write down your multipacation facts" hell no I'm not writing shit down. I laughed to myself. "Hey what's your name kid?" Joshua?.. Asked. "William, but uhm you can call me Mully" I said. "Sweet, my names Joshua, call me Josh though I hate the name Joshua" he said quietly. I nodded and turned to grab something out my binder.

I sat back up and felt a tap on my shoulder, Josh was offering me a piece of gum "Thanks dude" I smiled. "Your welcome" he smiled..

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 .. ♥︎Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum