Chapter 11

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Two days passed rather uneventfully for Dustin and his allies. With insufficient personnel to launch a direct assault on the city, they could do nothing more than maintain the siege and await the arrival of more troops from the east. No more attacks came from either inside or outside their circular formation, leading to a rather steady status quo which Dustin squirmed to disrupt before his foes did.

Thankfully, on the morning of his third day heading the operation, Dustin espied movement on the eastern horizon. Closer inspection revealed two battalions approaching, waving the banners of Antapeño and the New Alcontean Empire respectively.

Dustin gladly welcomed the new soldiers into his collective and wasted no time in gathering the various captains and commanders to a tent to coordinate the distribution of forces. Forming a cramped circle around Altruz's map of the Innutukian capital, they quickly descended from pleasantries and introductions to the practical matters before them.

"Once we have combined our forces to strengthen the perimeter," Dustin said, "I believe it is time to take direct action. I intend to launch an offensive against the city with the aim of taking the emperor into captivity."

One of the Alcontean officers kneaded his braided beard in his fingers. "With all respect, your highness, your father the king had informed us the goal was to starve them out until surrender."

"And I have seen fit to change the goal."

"Understood. However, as we weren't aware of any intentions to breach the walls, we brought no siege engines with us."

"Oh, but we did." said a squat Antapeñan commander.

Dustin smiled. "Excellent. Which types?"

"Four battering rams, two catapults, and a siege tower. The question is, would you rather destroy the walls or climb over them?"

Altruz cleared his throat. "If I may, your highness, the factor of intimidation you would gain from crumbling their walls to dust may work better in your favor."

"Better than climbing over? I agree." Dustin said, "Morale has already been low, so destroying their barrier of protection might cause it to shatter entirely."

The Antapeñan commander bowed his head. "I will see to it. The quickest option would be to smash the gate, with mostly battering rams at our disposal. But I could arrange for the catapults to be deployed instead. Which is your preference?"

"No need to choose difficulty when we have a more expedient means at our disposal. Bash a gate down and we'll make entry."

"Which one? It appears they have five in total."

"Not four?" Dustin asked, glancing down at the map.

Altruz nodded. "Yes, your highness, all the walls have one gateway each, except on the west, where there are two."

"So that's why you insisted on doubling our personnel on that side, I see. Where is the emperor likely to be?"

"The palace, your highness, seems the most obvious location, especially if he has a bunker in its depths."

Dustin crossed his arms, mind racing a million places at once. "We have no way to be assured of his whereabouts at this point, but the palace is as good a place to start as any. Where is it located?"

"The southern quarter, your highness." Altruz rubbed his finger across the palace's likeness on the map.

"Then we breach the southern gate."

"How many will be going inside?" asked the Alcontean captain.

"I want a force small enough to be highly mobile, but large enough to survive being surrounded in enemy territory without too much difficulty. I'll handpick a team from my own men, and I want you each to pick out thirty of your finest to accompany me."

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