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here's a tender throwback to their romance before life gave them destruction and hell. this little blurb takes place only a couple of days after chapter 18.



It was finally the weekend, which fortunately meant no assignments, no stress, and more time to spend with the man that he loved. Luckily, he'd finished up all of his schoolwork, and upon receiving a text from Harry asking if he were free to spend the night at his place, Louis was more than happy to agree.

Excited was an understatement for his yearning to see his boyfriend — despite seeing him every day in school, albeit only having the occasional opportunities to gaze lovingly at the man from across the room whilst doing his studies. The day prior, he'd found himself unable to keep from squirming in his seat and flushing crimson due to the subtle pair of green eyes constantly lingering on him and sending secret, swoon-worthy smirks whenever Louis would meet his brief stares. He'd been so infatuated that he wouldn't have cared less if someone had caught their flirtatious exchanges.

Inside of his bedroom, Louis was currently waiting for Harry's habitual texts of, "I'm here," or "outside, baby." His family was home, but they never bothered to question his whereabouts. Sometimes, his mother would inquire — of course, whenever she'd decide to show any sense of care towards him, but even that was rare. He hoped that it would stay that way, too.

He paced around his bedroom, trying to cease the sudden jitters that fluttered within his chest. Despite the dreamy months of dating Harry, he still couldn't help the shyness that overcame him often. He loved being around him, kissing him, holding him. He cherished it all so much that most times he couldn't help the sudden urges to scream into his pillow from the affectionate nerves that flowed through his hormonal body. His boyfriend was such a dreamboat, and if this was the honeymoon phase of their relationship, he didn't think he'd ever be able to escape it. He was sure that he could speak for Harry too, considering how besotted his lover was with him every single day and night. Often times, Harry would surprise him by grabbing him by the waist and hoisting him up to embrace him, kissing and sucking love marks all around his neck. His abrupt affection would always result in them sprawled out on his bed with swollen lips, rosy flushed cheeks, and labored breathing.

In other words, he loved loving Harry. He was a breath of fresh air for him, and in spite of Louis's hopeless romantic heart, he hoped that his future with the man would always remain tender and genuine, no matter what obstacles would be thrown at them. He wanted to be Harry's forever.

Unbeknownst to his reverie, the sudden chime of his phone alerting him of a text message caught his attention. Instantly, he was checking it, and the millisecond of his eyes glancing over Harry's message of, "I'm outside, baby.", with a red heart next to it; those same jitters that he'd been trying to calm were automatically exploding into tiny fireworks. Fireworks that scrambled into words of: boyfriend, boyfriend, daddy, lover, boyfriend, babe, boyfriend, boyfriend.

The poor thing, he was helpless.

"Be there soon!!!" He replied back. He added two hearts to be all cute and competitive, knowing that he'd start something. In seconds, Harry was texting back three hearts to challenge him. So, Louis sent back four more hearts, and then slid his phone into his back pocket due to the sole purpose of not wanting them to go back and forth. He needed to see him, now.

Then, his phone chimed again. He laughed softly to himself as he grabbed his bag, not even attempting to check the new message to know that his boyfriend texted back five hearts.

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