The bell had soon rang for lunch, deciding to spend her lunch in the library she walked by the hallways passing the multitudes of students heading in the direction of the cafeteria.

Walking along the halls she heard sounds coming through one of the many doors making her raise a brow, she was a hundred and ten percent sure she'd never seen the door before.

But then again.. she was quite far from where she usually had her classes so maybe she just never bothered to look around..

The noises were getting quite louder, making her want to push open the door but just when she was about to do so she heard her name being called from a little far behind her.

Turning around she'd seen the one person she really disliked- Rihmeek Williams.

Speed walking forward she'd forgot all about the door, "Why you running girl?" He asked catching his breath a little after reaching up to her.

"Rihmeek, I already told your stupid ass I'm not interested what the fuck else do you want?!" She asked exasperated.

"I told you to call me meek babygirl or maybe even.. daddy." He smirked licking his lips basically eye raping her.

"And I told your delinquent ass to leave me alone, is it too much to ask? Is it?!"

"Stop being so hard headed all the time and just let me take you out."

"I'm done with this conversation. I don't like you, never have and never will." She didn't even wait for a reply from him before walking away leaving him standing there not only dumbfounded but even more determined.

"Boys just don't understand shit spoken to them!" She mumbled to herself as she walked into the library.


The bell rung sometime later, Nicki walked out the library wondering what she was gonna do now since she had a free period.

Walking through the hallways she heard the same weird sounds coming from the door she'd passed by earlier, not only was it one but multiple sounds we're eliciting from behind the door- now she was confused.

She would've just brushed it off as a bunch of horny teenagers getting off in there but then again it sounded like way more than two people probably multitudes..

Surely those number of people couldn't fit into the tiny room, so she decided to inspect..

'I'm acting like that one white girl that usually dies in the beginning of horror movies' she thought opening the door but then there was nothing but a bunch of old cleaning supplies.

She shrugged thinking it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

Closing the door she heard the sounds again now she thought she was just hungry and the hunger was making her delusional.

But she decided to still check it out again opening the door she walked inside this time.


"You must be fucking kidding me!" Nicki screamed as she walked through a door in somewhere that seemed to be a carnival or fair of some sort.

But then she turned around seeing the same door she'd just walked through.. "how did I... I'm confused!" Now she was panicking but then she thought maybe she'd just move around a bit hoping the door would still be there when she came back.

There were people moving around buying stuff, eating cotton candy but their attires seemed off like a retro style, 80's vibe.

She saw a bunch of kids stood of to a far distance all dressed like hippies, they seemed 'cool' or at least that was probably what they told themselves.

The whole thing just seemed nostalgic like an out of body experience, how in the hell did she just get from her school to some carnival where everyone dressed so off..

A little paper blew across the air landing directly at Nicki's feet, she picked the paper up hoping to at least see something that'd give her an idea on what the hell was happening at the moment.

It was some sort of advertisement for a magic show or something that was going to be taking place- if her time serves her correct- in a couple of minutes.

But what really shocked Nicki the most was the time and date written on the paper.. September 29th, 1985.

It wouldn't have really bothered her much, and probably thought of it as an old advertisement if the paper didn't look so fresh and new.

She had questions and she needed answers now, so she walked up to the group of teenagers who stood off to the side talking about god knows what.

"Umm.. hey?" She asked gaining their attention.

"Your outfit is so ripped, girl." one of the boys stated looking her over "where'd you get it from?"

She contemplated saying where she got it from not even knowing if the popular store even existed at the time.

"I was just wondering.. umm what's the year?"

"Are you lost.. it's the best freaking year ever.. 1985 of course." one of the girls smiled looking towards her.

Now Nicki knew she needed to get the fuck outta this weird alternate timeline or whatever it was..

Walking back towards the door she accidentally bumped into someone making both her and the person fall backwards.

"Sorry.. I didn't see you there." she said getting back up taking her hand out for the girl to grab.

"It's okay, I should've watched my way." the girl looked up smiling in Nicki's direction.

Nicki stared at the girl not being able to take her eyes off her.. she was beautiful.

'Do I really have to go back?' She thought to herself her eyes not wavering trying to take in the girls enticing features.

From her freakishly long golden curls, to her porcelain skin, her oh so kissable lips, the hazel- honey coloured eyes and the accent.

Oh the accent did things to her body she just couldn't comprehend the ways her words flowed.

"You listening.. you seemed to have gotten a little lost there, didn't you." the girl chuckled.

"Umm..I-sorry-" she was suddenly cut off by the sound of a woman's voice.

"Beyoncé come help me lift these bags!" An older woman that looked alot like the girl said carrying a bag that looked like it was filled with a bunch of fruits.

"Well I have to go now but you can stop by at our stand anytime, it'd be nice to get to know you." the girl said jogging over to who she assumed was her mom.

Nicki now started speed walking to the door she'd walked through opening it up she entered inside suddenly seeing herself back in the hallway of her school.

What seemed to be about an hour there was just a couple minutes in her present time frame.

"You stupid door!" She said to herself kicking it.

What was she going to do now, she thought she was going crazy and all this was some sort of fictional delusion and her mind was just playing tricks on her.

But then the other half was worried that she'd just managed to have a crush on some girl living thirty seven years before her time..

But she knew deep down that it certainly wasn't the last time she was going to be going through that door.





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