He waited for a response, but that never came. She wasn't coming, that ment that he had to stay with Zander until he woke up. To be completely honest, he would rather stay with Zander and make sure that he's okay than go to class where he would probably be attacked, even though there was no proof that he did anything to Maya.

He was starting to get tired, but he had to stay awake. That was difficult because it was quiet on the roof. Until a door opened, Hailey walked through, she was completely calm.

"What do you want Jake? " She was angry, she probably expected him to be making a whole joke out of this thing. Then she turned her head to Zander. "What happened to Zander?!" She practically yelled. That caused Jake to flinch.

"H-he," Jake tried to force words out of his mouth, but it was like they were tied up in his throat. He couldn't speak. Thankfully she didn't continue to ask, but instead she came up and slapped him.

It stung, and the worst part was that she hit him on his cheek with the cut. It started to bleed, tears began to form in his eyes, but he didn't care.

"He just passed out. Goodbye." He said, he was looking at the floor, and started walking to the doors.

He didn't care anymore, Zander and Maya were the only people who barely cared about him, and one was in a coma and the other was passed out on the roof.


Once he arrived home, he just wanted to sleep. He didn't care that he was missing class, he needed rest. But something else caught his attention.

In his closet, there was a chair, and he realized that there was also a rope. It wasn't connected to anything, but it was there. He realized that nobody would be home for a few hours.

He obviously wasn't going to do that, because it would hurt his brother, but it was becoming more and more tempting each passing minute.


Zander couldn't sleep well that night, it was probably because he had that horrifying hallucination, that caused him to pass out hours before school ended.

He was worried about Jake, when Hailey woke him up, Jake wasn't anywhere near the rooftop. Hailey had also been upset because Jake didn't bring him to the nurse.

The images kept coming, and there was nothing he could do to stop them. There were so many, he lost count after the twelfth unique image.

The only thing that seemed to stop the images was a ring coming from his phone. He picked it up, it was Jake. Why would Jake be calling him right now?

He answered the phone just to hear a scratchy voice of someone who had clearly been crying.

"H-hey Zander..."  Jake mumbled out of his throat. His voice was really scratchy.

"Yeah Jake?" Zander responded, completely unaware of what Jake was doing in his house.

"I-I'm sorry for being a horrible friend,"

Then it clicked, Zander started to panic, he was absolutely terrified of the possibility of Jake committing suicide.

"Jake! Where are you right now?!" Zander freaked out, so he might have screamed.

"..." Jake was silent for a minute.


"I-I'm in... my room. I wanted to say goodbye."

Oh hell no. Zander was not going to let Jake die, absolutely not.

"Ja-" The call was ended.

The call had been ended, and that ment that Jake was going to die soon. Zander was terrified, so he forced himself out of his house, and towards Jake's.

It was too long, but he couldn't stop now, every second mattered. He wasn't about to waist minutes waiting for a car to pick him up.

He eventually got to Jake's house, he opened the front door, and saw Milo playing some sort of video game on his tablet, he didn't care what it was.

"Where's Jake's room?!" He was in an absolute panic, but he honestly did not care. Jake's life was on the line.

"Uhhh, who are you? Why are you in our house??" Milo had a right to respond like that, Zander had just barged into his house.

"I'm Zander one of Jake's friends! It's urgent, please where is his room!" Zander was yelling, but not like arguing parents do when one of them is drunk.

"Upstairs, third door on the right." Milo was also completely unaware of what Jake had done in his room, so he had no reason to be afraid.

"Great, thanks kid!" Zander ran up to the third door on the right, and twisted the door knob. Thankfully it did open.

What he saw made his head fill with pain, he didn't care about that though. Jake's hanging body was the first thing he saw.

There were cuts running up and down both arms. He was wearing the same white shirt he saw in the hallucination, and the same red shorts that went to his knees, and the white socks. The only difference between the hallucination and this, was that Jake was in a closet, not infront of his bed.

He immediately picked up a pair of scissors that were on the ground, and ran to the chair on its side. He picked it up and set it down so that he could stand on it safely, then he took the scissors and tried cutting the rope, but it was too thick. However when he looked up, the rope was just tied up loosely to a hook. Immediately he tried to lift it up, and after two tries, he succeeded.

Jake wasn't hanging anymore

Jake wasn't hanging anymore.

Words: 1542

I did not proof read this chapter at all

Yeah, this chapter is a bit longer than the last one. I probably won't post next week, and maybe the week after that, I'm going to be taking a break from writing, because my motivation is down the drain. But I still might post, because my motivation is random, I'm surprised that I had enough motivation to get five chapters posted over five weeks. See you guys later.

Fun fact, a preschool building collapsed during the storms Friday, thankfully nobody was hurt, since school was cancelled, but it still collapsed.

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