(5) Rope

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TW: Panicking, hallucinations, description of dead? body, blood, cuts, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, hanging

Jake was just a hurt teenage boy, nothing that he was going through was supposed to happen. Suddenly Zander had wrapped his arms around Jake. He was definitely surprised by the friendly gesture. Why would Zander, of all people, care?

Jake had broken Zander's trust, and way before that, he had bullied him and Hailey. Why did Zander care about him? All he did was ruin everything. He was just projecting his struggles onto Zander, and Zander was kind enough to care.

After around a minute of silence, and nothing else, Zander tightened his hold on Jake, he looked panicked, his eyes were shut tight. It scared Jake, what would panic Zander to the point of him hugging Jake tighter than he already was.

TW for this part: Hallucinations, dead body, cuts, blood, panic attack skip to the next section of you're uncomfortable with this but still want to read this chapter.

Zander walked up to Jake and wrapped his arms around him. He was worried for Jake, because he they were just teenagers, kids. None of them deserved this, especially Jake.

Neither of them talked, it was quiet. But it wasn't awkward quiet, it was comfortable quiet. He was  glad that Jake was still alive, he was glad that Maya hadn't done anything to him. No, he was glad that she didn't do much to him, she did emotionally abuse him, and she used her knife to cut him.

After around a minute of silence, and he shut his eyes to think. He saw Jake, infront of a bed? There was a chair, and it was on its side. The lights were off, and then he looked up. Even though his eyes were shut, it was like a hallucination. Jake was hanging from the ceiling, with a rope tied around his throat.

Jake had tears dripping down from his cheeks, his eyes were dull. His skin was pale, he wasn't wearing his jacket, instead he was wearing a plane white shirt sleeve shirt, and a pair of red shorts. He wasn't wearing shoes, but he was wearing a pair of white socks.

Zander began to panic, he knew it wasn't real, but it felt real. He looked to Jake's arms, and saw cuts, so many cuts. He looked like he was still bleeding.

Zander felt himself becoming tired, he was really tired. But, he couldn't shut his eyes now. He needed to make sure Jake was safe. He opened his eyes, only to find them nearly impossible to open again. He was so tired, he forced his eyes open, he could barely mutter something from his mouth before he couldn't stay conscious.

"J-jake? Please, don't let her hurt you..." Then his consciousness fell. So did he.

TW over


Jake saw Zander struggling to stay awake, and he couldn't help but feel like he was at fault.

"J-jake? Please, don't let her hurt you..." Zander muttered out, then his eyes shut and he fell.

"Z-zander!? Zander... Hey stay with me!" He spoke, struggling to keep Zander from hitting the floor.

He lifted Zander up and took him to a bench, he laid Zander down, and let him rest. He was worried for Zander, he had just passed out. Jake pulled out his phone and began to text Hailey.

Hey, I know we aren't on good terms, and I'm sorry for what I said a while ago. That's not the point, I need you to come to the rooftop. It is urgent.

He felt horrible, he felt guilty for Zander passing out, since he had made Zander worried for him. He had made Zander come up to the rooftop, and he had vented to Zander. He was a horrible person, right?

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