xviii. easy

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xviii. easy

For some reason, Wyn is filled with nerves as she enters the stadium where the Anaheim Ducks are playing their first home game after a stretch of away games. She knows its probably because she knows she has a date with one of the players once the game is over (that's totally why), but she can't help but take a few moments to steady her breath before going to grab a pre-game beer. She doesn't even care if the guy at concessions is judging her for the drink before the game has even started, she just needs a little bit of liquid courage before heading down to her seat at the glass.

      Thankfully, the team isn't on the ice yet, so she has time to drink some and tuck it away before they can spot the beverage in her hands because she doesn't want their judgement. She fiddles with her phone, a little nervous that she's alone at the game and at least two of the players will be looking for her, Jamie having texted to tell her he was at least saying hi before Zegras could sweep her away on a date.

     It's not long until the seats around her start filling out, then the teams start skating onto the ice. Her eyes quickly find number 11, grinning as she watches him attempt to find her along the glass. It's not long until they make eye contact and a wide grin spreads across his face. She watches as he smacks a hand out at the player next to him, the one in number 6, and gestures to her. Jamie also grins when he noticed her, then they both start skating towards her. She shakes her head quickly, eyes wide, not wanting to cause a spectacle. Trevor rolls his eyes at her, but he understands where she's coming from. She can already hear the whispering around her anyways, the questions about who they could've been noticing.

      He tilts his head at her in question, as if asking whose jersey she's wearing over the hoodie adorning her body, since her arms are crossed in front of her. She smirks at him as she moves her arms to the side, revealing the only Ducks jersey she owns, proudly displaying his number on her arms. She watches as both he and Jamie laugh, then go back to their free skate stretches before the game. The beer occupies her hand again and she has to fight the urge to get game snacks, knowing they had decided on pasta for their date night food, giving him a cheat night from his strict diet and her an excuse to inhale some fettuccine Alfredo.

       It's not long until the game starts and she gets completely sucked in, watching all the men glide around on the ice. She's always found the beauty in the sport, having watched her brother play through high school. When he played in college, she stopped going. Mostly because they went to different colleges and she didn't have time. Then he was getting drafted and she was dropping out to pursue her social media stuff. But the game of hockey stuck with her and she had quickly grown to love the team closest to her California home.

"They're good," the guy next to her muses, leaning in closer to her. "You come to many games?"

"Yeah," she admits, glancing over at the guy who seems to be a couple years older than her at most. "You?"

"Normally not this good of seats," he tells her. "My buddy bought us these tickets, there's a whole group of us."

"I have this exact seat at every home game this season," she informs him, sending him a small smile. "I'm a big fan."

"Damn," he mumbles, not expecting that answer. "And you come alone? No boyfriend to accompany you?"

"Nope," she shrugs. "I prefer watching alone, honestly."

"Well, if you ever want company, I'd be happy to join. Or you can always come slum it with me higher up."

"Oh, thanks, but-"

Her sentence is cut off by someone slamming into the glass in front of her. Her eyes whip to see what has happened, shocked to find an opposing player pressed up against the glass by her favorite player. But his eyes? They are focused on her, conveying a message she's sure the guy sitting next to her can read as well. She rolls her eyes at him and he nods, seeming to get her message loud and clear. She chuckles a bit as he skates backwards, freeing the other player. He watches as she pulls her lip between her teeth, then mouth 'that was hot' to him. They mutually shake their heads, then he fully skates away. A clearing of a throat next to her reminds her that she's not alone.

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