xxix. in time out

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xxix. in time out

Ellie 🐞
You have the absolute fucking

Ellie 🐞
You can comment on my insta and
follow me, but not call me?? Or
even text me??

Ellie 🐞
You basically called me a whore
and compared my boyfriend to
Owen, Brody. You're supposed to
be on my side. Always.

Ellie 🐞
I didn't know that you and Trevor
had beef, he had no idea I was
your sister.

Ellie 🐞
I wish you could have taken some
time to just... trust me and not be
a massive dick to me and to
my boyfriend.

Brody 🏒
I am so incredibly sorry, Ellie.
I was angry because I had just
fought with him on the ice, then
you walked out hand in hand
with him. And I've spent so
long listening to him chirp about
you without knowing who you
are that it just... sent me into an
even angrier spiral.

Brody 🏒
Violet and Graham both reached
out to scold me, as well as explain
how much he means to you. And
that he really isn't like Owen at
all, that it's obvious how much
he actually likes you.

Brody 🏒
And then Jack Hughes of all people
reached out. He messaged me to tell
me how much I hurt you. That
instead of being a supportive big
brother and accepting you, I've
been pushing you away.

Brody 🏒
So, I followed your Instagram
account because while I don't
necessarily want to see you half
naked, I need you to know that I
support you and I'm proud of you.

Brody 🏒
And if Trevor is the one who makes
you happy and you end up falling in
love with him, I'll learn how to deal
with him. If you guys can find it in
yourselves to forgive me for being
such an idiot.

Brody 🏒
Jack also mentioned how much you
doubt yourself + Trevor's interest
in you, even though he makes it
VERY obvious. So I stalked your
page and looked at all the
interactions. And I'm so impressed
by how he treats you, Ellie. That's
exactly what you deserve. And I'm
so fucking happy you found yourself
a group of people ready to rally for
you. Even when it's me that messed up.

Brody 🏒
So I am sorry and I love you more
than you could ever imagine.

Ellie 🐞
Thank you for the apology.

Ellie 🐞
That's a lot for me to unpack. But I
really do appreciate the apology. I'm
not necessarily ready for everyone
to know you're my brother but I'm
open to that soon.

Ellie 🐞
And, just so you know and don't
comment on it, Trevor and I aren't
posting about our relationship yet due
to his PR team. They want to play on
the single Zegras angle and I'm fine
with it for now. It's new anyways, so it
gives us time to be solid before we let
people comment on our relationship.

Brody 🏒
Understood. I hate that for you but
I understand.

Ellie 🐞
Thank you.

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