EP#11: Blood Hungry

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*Dean's POV*

I returned to the room where Aaron, Spencer, and Derek sat and looked around in confusion, "Where is Cassie? She shouldn't have taken that long to ensure we had gear." Morgan paled, "Shit. I thought it would have taken longer because I'm not entirely sure what you guys carry." I fumbled for my phone and punched the wall, "Shit!" Dad came in with Bobby, "What's wrong Dean?" 

I gritted my teeth, "Cassie is missing." Bobby groaned, "Son of a bitch. That isn't good." My phone rang and I picked it up, seeing it was Cassie's caller ID, "Cassandra! Oh, thank god." There was heavy breathing on the other end, "Put it on speaker phone, Winchester." I gritted my teeth and did as he told me to.

"So you've noticed that your hunter wife is missing. I'm surprised," The guy on the other end said. I saw Aaron grit his teeth, but I motioned him to be quiet. " Where are you and where is my wife?" I asked sternly. The voice chuckled, "She's fine for now. She keeps fighting me and I'll turn her though. I heard that she told some humans about our world. Big no-no. So since said humans are on the other end, listening, do they know what Cassandra Malik has done? The people she's killed?" 

Bobby laughed, "Boy, she's killed things like you but never people. Now can we have a name to a voice? Make a deal maybe?" The voice laughed, "Fine by me. My name's Victor. James and Jackson were my cousins. Your precious Cassie murdered my cousins." I roared in anger, "Your cousins killed her mother and tried to kill her! Cassie killed them to ensure that no other person would be harmed by you freaks!" 

Morgan gritted his teeth, "Where is she, you son of a bitch? Tell us!" The voice laughed and then grunted in pain. "Take that you blood-sucking, human-recruiting, slimy son of a bitch!" I heard Cassie yell in the background. "Cassie!" I yelled as I heard fighting. A shrill scream sounded and I panicked, "No!" 

Victor chuckled, "Well. That was eventful. Hurry now boys, before I feed her the boy's blood and the effects won't be curable." Victor hung up and I slammed my fist down on the table. Spencer jumped up, "What just happened?" Dad sighed angrily, "He fed her his blood. Turning her and we have to make a cure with his blood to fix her before it's too late." Aaron ran a hand down his face, "This isn't good."

The three of them left to take care of a call as I sat down with my head in my hands. Bobby set a hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, Dean. We will find her." 

*Spencer's POV*

After we got into the car after visiting the crime scene of David's wife, Annie. I sighed and hung my head, blaming myself for letting Andra leave by herself. "Reid, don't blame yourself, I'm not sure how much help we would have been anyway since we aren't really involved with the supernatural," Hotch told me, setting a hand on my shoulder. 

-Later, still Spencer's POV*

"His name's Eddy Mays, twenty-one years old," The sheriff said. "Do you know him?" Hotch asked. The sheriff nodded, looking solemn, " Yea, I just can't believe a boy like Eddy would do something like this. He's the nicest kid you ever saw" I heard a commotion and turned around to see Dean and he was furious, "Where is he?! He has my wife!" John and Bobby start pulling him out of the jail as he's still screaming. The sheriff looks confused, "Who's that?" Hotch sighed, "Agent Malik's husband." The sheriff looks shocked, "Wait, Agent Malik was kidnapped and is probably where the boy is too?" I nodded as Hotch sighs. "He's mentally ill, sheriff. A boy like Eddy Mays could truly use an insanity plea in a court of law." 

Hotch crosses his arms, "You know, the ironic thing about psychotic illness is generally they're less violent than the rest of the population." Elle speaks up, wiping her eyes after being told what happened to Cassie, "By the nature of psychotic delusions, when they do get violent..." Morgan grits his teeth and faces us, "We're never gonna get anywhere with him. He has a boy and he has Cassie. Not like this. Look at the guy. You can't read him his rights. You can't even process him." 

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