EP#11: Blood Hungry

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*Cassie's POV*

I walked into the Bullpen and smiled, "I'm back you freaks!" Spence jumps up and runs to me and hugs me tight, "Never do that again! I missed you too much!" Everyone laughed at Spencer's reaction and Garcia ran to me to hug me. Hotch called us all into the conference room to discuss our newest case, "Hope everyone had a restful weekend. Hydrangea, how is the stubborn uncle?" I snort, "Stubborn as a jackass." Everyone snickered but quickly got back to seriousness. 

"Harringtonville, Tennessee, population five thousand," JJ reads off and I freeze, remembering that's where John and Dean were going to investigate a vampire case. "Sixty-four years since they had a homicide. They've had two in the past forty-eight hours." 

I take a deep breath as Hotch reads the victims off, "First victim, fifty-seven-year-old widower, and grandfather Paul Thompson, ambushed in his year, eighteen stab wounds to his chest and his neck and a set of puncture wounds on the neck, determined to be older than the stab wounds. No forced entry into the house and the only thing that was taken was a shotgun." I gulped hard and avoided Hotch's eyes that were staring at me. 

"Last night, Annie Stuart, thirty-nine, was also ambushed. The same set of puncture wounds to the neck and then bludgeoned to death in her home with Thompson's stolen shotgun," JJ changed the screen to show the woman's picture, "In this case, the unsub apparently stole CDs, DVDs, and a little jewelry."

Morgan looks up, "This is a little extreme for a burglary, also sounds a little vampirery." Elle nodded, "That's an understatement." Hotch passed out photos, "As you can see, Annie's throat was eviscerated because of the set of puncture wounds, as were the first victim's." Elle looked at the pictures, "Two different MOs. Two different killers?" Gideon wobbled in with some crutches, "Or one psychotic individual." Hotch furrowed his eyebrows, "What happened to you?"

"I got a list of things I want to try before it's too late," Gideon crutched to the chair as Elle grinned, "And orthopedic surgery's one of them?" Gideon faked a laugh, "No, skydiving. Apparently, it's all about the landing. That and getting Malik to talk. She looks pale about this particular case." Everyone looked at me as I froze and avoided everyone's prying eyes.

Hotch kept looking at me, "So how long on the crutches?" Gideon sighed, "Oh, just a couple of days." Elle frowned, "So you can't go out into the field?" Gideon flips through the pictures, "Don't worry. I'll find a way to be helpful here. Maybe Cassie should stay back as well, she doesn't look like she needs to be in this case too." I looked up in alarm, "No!" I cleared my throat as everyone looked at me in alarm, "Thank you for the concern, Gideon. But, I am perfectly fine and can go with them to work this case." I looked away as Gideon and Hotch shared a look. 

"With psychotic killers, we can't predict his next move," Hotch said, still looking at me. Spencer flipped through photos, "Actually, I think we might have a clue. These rings at the crime scene might be some kind of signature." Hotch nodded, "Psychotic killers are normally not that difficult to catch because they don't try to hide." JJ looked at Hotch, "Does that make your job easier?" 

Gideon shook his head, "Oh, no. Cause until we do locate him, he'll keep doing that." Gideon throws a picture down and I flinch. I don't want this to happen this way. They shouldn't know what's going on. 

The entire flight to Harringtonville was quiet. I didn't talk no matter how many times someone tried. We were in the Stuart house and I watch Elle walk down the stairs, "All the items stolen were taken from the upstairs bedroom. Why didn't he take her purse or cell phone or the jewelry off her body? It just doesn't make any sense." 

I looked around and found all the signs of a vampire. A rouge one at that. One that left the nest, maybe even two. A police officer walked over, "Didn't make any sense to us, either. Also doesn't make sense that two of your agents were sent ahead of you and arrived in a Chevy Impala." I froze and looked up quickly, then looked down at Elle's stare at me, "We will ask about that later."

Spencer looked at the floor, "This guy didn't come any closer to her than he had to."  The officer looked confused, "What do you mean?" Elle looked at him, "There's a discrepancy in the profile." Spencer looked at him as well, "Sheriff Hall, it is quite possible that there were two people in the house." The sheriff walks forward, "So I have two monsters out there?" Spencer walked over to me, "Someone went through the medicine cabinet looking for drugs. Excessive methamphetamine abuse can cause violent episodes."

The female officer tilted her head, "So you think these guys were junkies?" I walked into another room and Elle followed me. 

"Okay, you have been weird ever since we got the case file. Now, you tell me what is wrong." I grabbed her hands, "Elle, you have to promise me that you'll wait until I need to tell you." Elle glared, "No, you will tell everyone when we meet up. If you know something you need to say something." I teared up, "Okay. I promise." Elle left the room and I pulled my phone out, calling Dean.

"Hey, sweetheart. We are on a case right now, but-" I cut him off, "I know Dean. Sheriff Hall questioned Spence, Elle, and me about why two of our agents were here before us." Dean took a breath, "You're here? You didn't say anything right? You know you can't." I sobbed into the phone, "Dean, I can't keep hiding this from them when they are this close to vampires. They could get hurt. You could get arrested. I will be telling them so they will know what to expect. It's our job to bring these types of people in, but it's your job to kill those creatures. I know I can't tell them, but I have to. I won't hide this anymore." Dean sighed, "I know, wifey. I know. I'm sorry for being a dick. Look, I'll tell Dad what's going on. We can't leave town you know that right?" I whispered, "I know, but please be safe. Tell John that I'll kill him if he tries to argue with me." Dean huffed a laugh, "Okay, Cassie. I love you. Be safe." I smiled, "I love you too, husband. Stay safe." I hung up with Dean and turned around to find Spence and he looked at me, "Have a nice phone call?" 

I sighed, "Spence, please don't be angry. I told Elle that everyone will hear it when we meet up." Spence frowned, "At least tell me that you or someone you know isn't the unsub." I shook my head, "No, not at all." Spencer hugged me and whispered, "Thank god. I promise that you will get to explain everything." I stifled a sob and hugged Spence tighter.


Hotch and Morgan walk in as I'm sitting in a chair beside Elle and Spencer. "Hey, you guys find anything?" I grimaced and Spencer placed a hand on my knee and Elle speaks up, "Yeah." I zoned out the rest and came back when Spencer shook me, "What?" Spencer sighs, "Meeting." I nodded and followed everyone into the room, without anyone else in there. I shut the blinds and the door, making sure no one else could hear.

"What is it, Hydrangea?" Hotch asks sternly. I sigh shakily and look at everyone, "I said I would tell you the truth when it was necessary. And you said you would keep your minds open." Everyone nods as Hotch places a hand on my arm. 

"My mother when I was ten was murdered by werewolves. I am married to Dean Winchester and John Winchester is my father-in-law. Before I went to college for criminal science, we spent our years hunting the supernatural." Morgan grinned and snorted, "Yeah right. So this whole case with the throat having a full set of puncture holes, you think it's vampires." 

I grimaced and looked at Morgan seriously as Hotch went wide-eyed, "You're not kidding." I nodded, "I wish I was. I started at ten years old, protecting the innocent from monsters that aren't human. My husband is here with his father looking into the same case we are." 

Elle looked at me, "The two 'agents' that arrived before us in the Impala." I nodded, "John thought it would be easier to act like federal agents to get around everything to save people." Hotch sighed, "Your husband is illegally posing as agents? Did you do that?" I shook my head, "No, I acted like Garcia for them."

Hotch hugged me, "I don't like that you keep this from us, but I understand why. Do you think we could finish this case and kill the vampire?"

I nodded, "Let me call Dean and explain. I'll explain more when we get further in the case" 

With that, I walked out the door. 

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