Chapter 16 - Echoes of Betrayal

Start from the beginning


Her little fists don't hurt me anymore. I can't talk. She has all her feelings for me in those fists, if I speak... I don't know. I'm just scared.

''Why did you have to be like this! This is worse than the scenario I've ever imagined... Why did you have to be the man of my dreams...Every time we talk alone, every time you encourage me and every time I cry alone at my desk.''

Please stop, don't speak any more. I'm a scumbag, just like every man in the world.

''I had to protect this family but I failed. I fell in love for an outsider... Tell me, Asuka. What do I lack from other girls? Am I not beautiful? Am I too clingy? I know I'm not as pretty as my sisters...''


''Say something...''


''Say something, please...'' Itsuki grabbed my collar, it hurts.


''SAY SOMETHING!'' Itsuki raised her hand to slap me one more time. But you know what? I have more to say...



''Kya! A-Asuka... you're hurting me...Itta-''

As soon as Itsuki raised her arm, I grabbed her arm and pulled her close to me, pinning her against the window. She was no longer holding me; I was holding her. I'm still scared. All I'm going to say is that it could ruin everything and destroy the last glimmer of hope that's left in me, but that's what you call gambling, isn't it?...

''One week.'' I said.


''Give me a week, when the midterms are over...Being in a relationship right now is just going to ruin us both, don't you see?'' I cannot speak louder, just mumbles and whispers. Because if I push myself harder, I'll break her.

''I don't believe you. I have no reason to believe you anymore.''

''I don't give a fuck. I'll come to you of my own will in a week. Please don't ask me to talk now...'' I can't think properly. If I ruin this moment, there will be no going back. Please Itsuki, you need to understand this the most.

''I trusted you, you tore me apart...''

''No, I-''

''I won't tell anyone about this. You can be their tutor, I'm not going be part of your sessions.''

Itsuki pushed my arm where I was holding her at the window, and she walked away from me to her own room. The anger and sadness in her eyes turned into cold. Two emotionless eyes passed me without even looking at me.

''Good night Shoji-kun.''



I wonder how many hours it's been... It's been long past midnight. I cannot sleep, my bed is comfortable enough, but my eyes just won't shut themselves. I'm watching the city from the high balcony. This view was something I've always admired, but all I see today are ridiculous piles of concrete causing light pollution.

''What was the lyrics?...Yes, russian roulette isn't the same without a gun.''

For God's sake... Would jumping over here solve all my problems?


''Huh...Hi Fuutarou...''

''It's far past midnight, what are you doing?''

''Just enjoying the city view.''

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