Around Every Corner [4]

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Lee quickly searches around the place first looking in the dog house and not seeing her. Next he checks the shed and the old vines all around it tell him that no one has even touched it. Just as he begins to go back inside, he hears a knock from the backyard shed.

Startled, Lee goes back to it cautiously before pulling on it to open. Suddenly the door swings open a strong force crashing him to the ground.

"Lee!" Clementine'a happy voice reaches his ears as she runs to him as he sits up. They share a nice hug as Lee asks why she was in there.

"Exploring." She says with an excited voice. "Look what we sound!" She says turning back to the shed to see Sydney with the doors slightly open, waving at Lee with a big smile.

"Hey Syd." He greets. "Open sesame." He says as she giggles pushing open the doors to reveal a nice looking boat.

"Woah." Lee says as the two look at it, seeming to be in good condition.

Suddenly, Kenny comes up behind them and his eyes meet the boat and a smile shows on his face. "Look what we found daddy!" Sydney says happily pointing at it as Kenny lets the wine bottle drop to the floor.

Hours later everyone watches outside as Kenny inspects the boat, his daughter proudly next to him and Ben. As Molly explains that she feels owed for saving lee's life and that she plans to get on the boat with them, Kenny, Sydney, and Ben return.

"Well?" Lee asks as he sighs. "You want the good news or the bad news?" He asks with a sad face.

"Let's get the bad news out of the way first." Lee concludes.

"Bad news is, she's not taking us anywhere, the shape she's in right now. Gas tank's empty and the battery's dead." He explains.

"So what's the good news?" Christa asks.

"That's it, that's all she needs, some gas and a battery. Other than that, she's good to go." He says not seeing any injuries on the boat or missing parts. It could have been much worse.

"Well, how are we supposed to get that stuff?" Christa asks in a serious voice. This wasn't good news to her.

"Sounds like Crawford is the one place that has everything we need. Maybe we should try there." Lee brings up.

"Now hold on a minute." Vernon says his face saying everything. He didn't like the idea.

But Christa did, "Surely, we have to try. If there are people left in this city who are still alive, who still have supplies...what harm can it do to ask?"

"Trust me, you don't know these people. I do. You showing up with a wounded man? Might as well put a noose around his neck. They don't exactly welcome children with open arms, either." Vernon explains again.

"What the hell kind of a place are we talking about here?" Christa asks surprised.

"The worst kind. But I don't see what other choice we have." Molly also agrees with Lee's plan.

"And just how exactly do you figure we do this?" Kenny asked, leaving the room silent. "Because, from what I've heard, that place ain't exactly friendly to outsiders."

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