The Party

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After talking to Scarlett, I took my wallet and my stuff and get out of the company, I got in my car and went home.. I entered the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and took out the remaining pizza from last night and put it in the microwave after taking it out, I ate some of it and went to change my clothes for the party. It was already 7:40 pm , damn it scar will kill me if i'm late again

 It was already 7:40 pm , damn it scar will kill me if i'm late again

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I was wearing this  suit

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I was wearing this  suit . ( feel free to change it if you don't like it )
When I arrived at the party venue I knocked on the door Chris opened for me, « it's great to see you maya ,  how are you.. » He said while he engulfed me in hug, « uhh Chris, I can't breathe.. », we walk to the place of our friends., « Hello guys » , « Maya, welcome, how are you » , « i'm fine guys , how are you all doing without me ofc 😉 », they laughed than RDJ said « we are fine, but working without you in set and your pranks is really boring.. »,
Don't worry, I intend to stay until you hate me, you won't get rid of me that easily people haha » , We kept talking  a little bit and I didn't know how much I missed them , honestly they were the best.
After talking to them, I saw that Lizzie had gone for a long time to get her drink, I apologized , « guys I'll go get me a drink ».
« Maya », I heard Scarlett call me, « yes Scar do you  want anything. »
« No, I want nothing , I just wanted to warn you about juice drinks, they contain alcohol »
, « okay Scarlett, thank you. »
(I don't drink alcohol, especially after what happened in the past, i will tell you when it's time ».

Lizzy POV :

I was stood on one side of the bar with chris evans , each with a glass in hand.
I was thinking about maya  i wanted to know if she is single and to be honest I'm not in place to asK that  , cuz i myself have a boyfriend who didn't bother to call me after our argument las week  . And chris is my friend too and if i ask scarlet she will tease me about it every chance she get soo yeah .
Chris finishes his glass and turns to the bartender, ordering another cup of  whatever he just had.
"Chris," i said , tapping his shoulder. He turns to me , diverting his attention from the bar. When he gets his quirks his eyebrows , i asked « do you know if maya is single « ,
Maya  , you mean our maya
« yeah « .
I think she is at the moment, he answered .
After a moment he add « i think scarlet would  know more , why ? « .
Nothing it's just uugh i think i've crush on her but who doesn't right , she famous and beautiful and i have a boyfriend,  and i'm  just a little confused. You know, with that and what I'm comfortable with. I thought about it a lot and I had to take a step back .
I think chris wasn't surprised about what i just said because Maya Mancini had men and women falling head over heels for her , maya is delight to be around , and she's probably his favorite young actress and he always excited to see where she goes on the big screen , they've developed a big brother and little sister relationship over the years .
« i think you have to find out, for your own sake " , he said while looking over my shoulder.

I saw her talking coming till scar called her " you don't  think it would be weird ? ."
‏" will it's not like you're proclaiming your love to the universe " .
He said while laughing, he didn't want me to feel stressed .
« You have to spend time with her alone to know the truth about your feelings"
« I spent a lot of time with her », I told him while sipping my drink.
"She's great, nice, respects the feelings of others, and sometimes I forget that she's only 25 years old » .
« yes she is mature for her age » chris agree ,
He said « how about one on one , did you spend time just the two of you ? »
« ah no not really whenever i see her she will be with scar , hailee or busy . »
After some thought , i realized that maybe i haven't spent enough time with Maya to determine if i  really have  feelings for her or if it is a celebrity-crush type situation.

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