Darry imagine

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"Darry cmon I don't wanna be late!" I called to him. He was going to meet my parents for the first time. He have been dating for a year but my parents live in a state over so I don't see them often. Darry and I saved up enough money to take a trip and go see them. We are leaving the other guys at the house...yes I've thought this through and have a certain set of rules, hopefully the house doesn't burn down while we're gone. He finished greasing his hair as I put my Jean jacket on. He gave the boys the final 'talk' before hugging his brothers as did I and we headed out. Pony and Soda took me in and treat me like a sister which is great and I consider them my little brothers. I get alone with everyone in the gang. We got in the truck and we got comfortable before heading off. We actually are leaving the truck and taking Two-Bit's car, Soda and Steve fixed it up for us so we could take it since this is better on gas and the guys can take the truck. The ride in the car would surely be long but what are you gonna do. We talked and talked the whole way there, laughing and joking. Darry if he is relaxed is a great guy and very caring, if he's stressed he can be an asshole but I get it. Taking care of two younger siblings isn't easy.

I met Darry actually in high school. I came senior year when I left home to live with my aunt. I left home because of so many different reasons but mostly my parents. I know we're going to see them but since I left they've treated me much better. I forgave them for all they did to me but I will never forget. After I wake up from a nap I drive for a bit so Darry can nap. Eventually we get there and I wake him up. He checks his hair before getting out and I do too. I close my door and see the front door open. I don't say anything yet and just start taking my things out of the car. After Darry and I get everything we bring it all in and I see my parents for the first time in 4 years. They both hug me and I introduce Darry and my father immediately likes him. My father takes him into a different room and they're smiling together. My mom and I go into my old room and start unpacking for the next few days. "I've missed you." My mom says but I don't say it back. "Honey look I'm sorry for the way we were. Ya know it's just raising a child and still being so young is hard. You know I was 15 when I got pregnant with you and had you." I nod. "Mom look I don't wanna talk about it okay?" She nodded as we finished unpacking silently.

After that we went out to find Darry and my dad talking and laughing a bit. It was good to see that they got along. We all talked in the living room. And something to add is that my parents have money lots of money but they never gave me any as they want me to fend for myself. The living room and kitchen is all like one big room. My dad and Darry talked a lot before dinner. Once dinner was ready we all sat at the table. Darry was next to me and my mom was across from me and my dad next to her. We ate and they told embarrassing stories of me. As the night went on they acted like nothing ever happened in my childhood. Soon it was time for bed and Darry and I went to my old room and started getting ready for bed. After I got into my pajamas I laid down in bed pulling the blankets right up to my chin back to Darry. He laid down and snuggled up against my back. "Honey what's wrong?" He asked me, he could always tell when I was upset or mad. "It's just my parents...they act like they didn't abuse me my whole life and they act like they love me." "They do love you I just think because they were both abused they think that's how you raise a child." I shrugged, "I don't know Dare." He pulled me a bit so I was laying on my back. He had his arm propping up his head. "Babe. They love you. They do. I'm not backing them in anyway because what they did isn't right but things were different then so they think that's the way you raise a child. Your mom even apologized so they know what they did wasn't right. It doesn't get rid of what they did but I think they're trying to be better now. You have to give them a chance." I sigh and listen to him as I look at him. He was right, damn it I hate it when he's right. "Yeah...I guess...I'll talk to my mom tomorrow about everything." He smiled and kissed me before I turned back on my side and he pulled me right against him. "I love you gorgeous." "I love you too Superman." We fell asleep.

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