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Upon entering, your woolen scarf unfortunately left your neck, which immediately felt the cold air surrounding the small vestibule. After taking off your shoes, you made your way to the tall, slender person who, as always, was nestled in the kitchen, your hands circled his waist and your lips mumbled a silent greeting.

"You're finally here! You don't know how long I've been waiting for you..." Azrael commented annoyed as he stopped chopping vegetables "I wanted to go to the store for potatoes, but I knew full well that you didn't have your keys with you"

"You could have called me!" you pouted your cheeks jokily.

"I called, but you didn't answer" he replied.

You immediately grabbed your phone and pressed the button that made your phone reveal its colorful bright screen. You saw a lot of missed calls that accumulated in notifications, a bit surprised you apologized to your spouse, but he didn't mind you. The man disengaged from you and went to the hall and you followed him.

"Wait, I'll go with you" you wanted to take your coat from the hanger by the door, but a hand holding your wrist prevented you from doing so.

"Really, you don't have to" Azrael smiled at your offer, but declined it nonetheless "I am well aware that you are tired. Better go rest, I'll be back soon"

Brunette immediately left the building and you, as on his advice, went to rest. Namely, you lay down on the couch and turned on the TV looking for some interesting movie, scrolling through colourful images that dazzled your eyes with all these annoyingly neon colours.

 Namely, you lay down on the couch and turned on the TV looking for some interesting movie, scrolling through colourful images that dazzled your eyes with all these annoyingly neon colours

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Your eyes slowly opened as your heard birds chirping in joy outside of the window, your lashes fluttered shyly as the sunlight got into the way of your orbs. You got up driven away from your peaceful sleep and shook your head millions of times to wake yourself up.
Your messy hair slipped in front of your slightly irritated face while your tired body felt like it was way too much heavy than it should normally was making you throw yourself on a comfortable sofa again.

"You could at least wake me up, Azrael!" you shouted annoyed by the infuriatingly bright source of light, surprisingly you didn't get any answer or a quiet murmur of your lover.

"Azrael?" you repeated the name of your beloved one, but the quietness only grew in strength making itself fill the whole building.

Quite astounded by all of this, you jumped out of the couch and went upstairs to check if your lover is there. The disarray that your eyes met with made you twitch a little, the floor was covered in dirty laundry and some weird, white porcelain pieces which were most likely scraps of a beautiful, large vase that Azrael once gave you as a surprise gift. You looked around the tiny corridor like you couldn't believe what did you just see. Your cold, little pair of feet wandered through the mess in search of Azrael, your cries and pleas for him to come out at last did nothing, but fill the silence with their annoyed loudness. You searched the whole building, but the tall brunette could not be found anywhere, knowing that the man is not in the apartment, you immediately ran downstairs and grabbed the phone, your trembling hands dialed the phone number with difficulty and immediately put the phone to your ear, waiting impatiently for a reaction from the other side. Nothing, literally nothing.

You put your phone aside and started wandering around the whole living room trying to convince yourself that your sweetheart probably just left the house and will be back soon, but what was this mess?

He probably just accidentally knocked over a basket of dirty clothes, didn't he? But that vase... Maybe he just knocked it off too?

Minutes turned into hours, and the brunette was still not where he should be, which made you even more worried, this time you left the house without thinking, not paying attention to the fact that you are still in your pajamas and your hair lives its own life. You nervously got into the car and headed towards the police station, while browsing the streets of South Park, hoping to find a lost one somewhere. The awfully small precinct looked the same as it used to, you just hoped the staff changed and South Park finally got more professional cops. You walked inside with a stamp and without thinking you approached the first, better policeman to explain to him what happened. Those damn uniforms didn't even let you explain what happened properly, because all you ever heard was that you have to calm down and that they're going to report you missing, but so far they're having trouble with it. Resigned and desperate, you sat down on the first chair you came across and hid your face in your hands, feeling that you'll be broke in no time.

"[Reader]?" a man's voice echoed throughout the building, making you raise your head up "No way, is that really you, [Reader]?"

"Excuse me?" your eyesight was a bit blurred by all those unpleasant things so you couldn't recognize the man standing in front of you.

"It's me, Leopold! I mean, Butters! Don't you remember me?" suddenly the picture became more expressive and an enthusiastic blonde appeared infront of your eyes.

"Oh gosh, Butters!" you jumped up from your chair immediately and hugged your old friend, your reaction was so rapid that almost everyone present looked at you with a strange expression on their faces "Thanks god you're here!"

"What are you doing here, [Reader]?" Butters asked slightly disoriented by your presence.

You immediately started to explain what had just happened, not paying attention to the questions he was asking you, although it was better to say your friend tried to ask you. A rush of emotions took over the lack of any energy from you, so tired of telling all this, you dropped into a chair resignedly, making Butters a little scared by your sudden mood swings.

"I didn't know you had a husband!" the policeman repeated it again, which I heard this time, because your immersion in your own thoughts was over and you were finally absorbing what was being said to you.

"Is it really that important now?" you murmured "Butters, please. You have to help me find Azrael, I'm sure you'll find him in no time!"

The fair-haired man suddenly gained confidence after hearing your words, which somewhat comforted your already shabby soul. Exhausted, you bowed your head slightly and hid your dirty face from unwashed makeup in your hands. Despite the sudden touch you felt on your back, you didn't deign to react at all.

"I promise you I will find him, [Reader]!" hearing the continuous childishness that apparently did not leave the man's body, you smiled a little under your breath "Plus, you're in bad shape right now... Do you have someone who could take you with you?"

"Yeah, I do. But I can't call that person right now, I didn't bring my phone with me"

"Well! You can always borrow mine!" the silver phone flew towards you with impetus, you almost missed it, which slightly stressed you out. Almost immediately you went into contacts and, going through several different people, couldn't find this one particular persona.

"That's weird... You don't have Kenny's number" you whispered quite surprised by this "I thought you were friends or something"

Strangely, you didn't get an answer, so your eyes flicked up to meet your gaze on the slightly nervous man. You had no idea what had happened, but you felt like Butters suddenly got scared when Kenny was mentioned, which was a bit weird because they used to get along quite well. Cold sweat flowed from the blonde's forehead and his hand immediately took his property from you, almost tearing it out.

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