garou vs saitama

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(Garou was thrown into a building skipping on the ground like a stone on water)


Garou slammed against stone, his body dropping.


Saitama in a near blink appeared, causing dust to form around him.


Garou charged at Saitama, but to Saitama suprise he managed to punch him.


A Shockwave formed, causing the ground to crack below them.


Saitama landed harshly on the ground.

He got up and dusted off some dust but noticed something.


He tried rubbing his cheek but felt a stinging sensation.


He tried to rub it again but the sensation came back.

"Is this?"

But before he could think about it.

"somethings off with you....."

Saitama looked up to see garou menacingly walk towards the once bald hero.


Garou crouched and tensed up his body.


Saitama not paying attention missed garou seemingly regenerate the hard like texture on his skin.

"Your slower, your softer........your weaker"

Garou grew a smile that only a demon would love.


garous laugh echoed through the broken part of the city.

"This is wonderful!"

Garou stood up straight.

"This is g-"


garou felt a punch to the gut silence him.

"And to much"

Garou was launched into the sky spinning.


Garou stopped and the air seemingly cracked around him.


Garou spun and tried to slam his fist but Saitama caught it.

"I may have become weaker"

As if time froze, garou could only watch as Saitama disappeared.

"the hell!"

Slowly turning his head he saw something that sent chills down his spine.




His armour began to crack before the lunch even landed.

"But you stayed weak"


garous body folded violently causing blood to be shot out from his mouth.


A Shockwave echoed causing the ground to crap open and dust to fly up in the air.

Saitama shipped the dust away and noticed garou was missing.



Saitama turned and noticed garous body rising. His body squinted with blood and, with his right hand, pushed himself up.

"T-t-that w-as go-good....."

He got up and glared daggers at Saitama.

"But not good enough"

Both stood opposite side from each other. Both waiting to see who will make the first move.

"Second round I guess"

Saitama said......





End of chapter.

A/N: it's been a very long time my friends but it will slowly come to its end. I'm going to be posting more and hopefully finish the story soon. Anyways god bless you and have good night.

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