The Brave And The bold

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Mt lady slowly lifted herself out of the rubble. Rocks fell off her and her body ached. She looked around and noticed Garou standing next to her.

"If you're going to kill me-"

"I'm not"

She was interrupted. Her eyes opened slightly.

"Then what?"

Garou crouched to get on her level.

"Your down, you can't fight. I have no reason to do anything"

Mt lady

"Wow, honorable huh"

Garou just looked away.

"So what now? More heroes are coming"

Garou scoffed.

"Will that matter? I took down your strongest. All you have left is your weakest"

Mt lady held her arm in pain.

"Why are you doing this!"

Garou said nothing.

"What's the point? Money! Fame!"

Garou was silent but decided to speak.

"I'm tired"

Mt lady raised a brow.

"I'm tired of heroes, and villains. Thier always going to fight, always going to be lives lost, a never-ending battle, I wanted to become a monster so both Good and evil unite and come together to defeat the monster!"

Mt lady didn't respond so he continued.

"Now, I want to be the monster to send fear into them. To show what will happen if you keep suppressing someone. People need papers to prove they are a hero. Some can't be born with that choice even if it's their dream"


"I want them to fear what will happen if they keep pushing away those without powers. Or those with what they see as evil powers"


Garou got up.

"Once I take care of the heroes some will be unable to be heroes and give someone else a chance to prove themselves"


Mt lady said.

"The broken old man? He indeed is a hero, but even a symbol can fade away, I know there is someone out there to replace him"

Garou said walking away.


Garou stopped and turned around.

"I won't le-let you"

Mt lady tried to get up but her body kept failing her.


She was losing a lot of blood.

"Fine then"

Garou in an instant raised his arm to knock her out.




Garou's hand went right through the ground. But his eyes widen realizing she was gone. Garou turned around and his body froze.


A white cape danced in the wind, a yellow suit with red boots. Garou recognized it to his shook.

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