Chapter 8: The Nightmare in the Dating Carousel

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Y/N's PoV

Kurumi: " mean, tomorrow's time?" Kurumi repeated again the question i asked her, accommodating her locker as if looking for something inside it

The next day had come and i managed to make my way out of the house, without worrying for the Spirits or CPU, fortunately Kotori had finished the installations for the house right next to my own and moved the girls in there, leaving me my own space to think at last

Y/N: "Yeah, planned to invite you out to know the city, i figured you might be new to town too so i might as well show you around" My plan had to do with getting to know a bit more of her, and distract myself from the daily life with something less stressing while helping out on Kotori's mission

Kurumi: "I should have sure, it's a date" Kurumi said taking the words right out of my mouth

Y/N: "Perfect, does ten-thirty work for you?" Kurumi gave me a silent nod with a gentle smile "See you infront of the ticket office then"

Kurumi: "Don't be late~" With a soft giggle, the unknown Spirit locked her locker and walked away to go to class, leaving me to my own thoughts

Y/N: "Good...that part is set, i better not break my promise now..."

Origami: "What promise?" Origami's voice suddenly spoke up from behind me

Y/N: "WOAH-!"

Origami had creeped up on me without me noticing, and as soon as she had surprised me she quickly pinned me to the lockers keeping her arms on the sides to not allow any escape

Origami: "What were you speaking about with Kurumi Tokisaki?" She asked in a different way this time, seeming to have overheard out conversation

Y/N: "Are you a ninja? Because you're as silent as the goddamn wind!" I talked-shouted in surprise at her

Origami: "Flattery for later. Answer the question!" Her hands smacked the lockers behind me, managing to make a loud noise fill the hallways "What were you speaking about with her? This is extremely crucial!"

Y/N: "I uh-"

Neptune: "Hey third-grade protagonist-! Oh, and you too, secondary character that should've been his first love interest" Neptune suddenly came up to use from the other side of the hallway, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of Origami's hold "Come here, Tohka and Blanc need someone to stop them at the classroom!"

I internally thanked Neptune for coming in just in time, even if her words confused me by how quick they came and went

Y/N: "Sorry Tobiichi, got to go, talk to you later!" Me and the pink-haired CPU ran away from Origami's location, leaving her stunned in place as Neptune continued to lead me away

Neptune: "You can thank me with pudding later, i'll take an extra large one!"

Y/N: "If those even existed..."


Tohka, Blanc and i walked down the streets heading towards our house after a long day spent at school, i was carrying some bags from our previous shopping to prepare the food for the night, and while Blanc had a more neutral expression as she usually did...Tohka seemed more depressed than usual

Y/N: "So hey...did you both enjoy your lunch time? I'm sorry i couldn't show up, i got stuck with some stuff" I tried to break the silence to make them forget anything that could be bothering them

Tohka: "It was fine i guess..."

Blanc: "Enjoyable to an extent, what did you go to do?" Blanc asked with a curious tone, tilting her head to look at my face

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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