Chapter 4: Feeding a Gentle Soul. Sudden Greeting From the Dark

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Y/N's PoV

Once back home, Kotori greeted me along Reine, making me wonder where Blanc and Tohka had gone to

Kotori:"Blanc is at your friend Nia's apartment and Tohka went with her" -the answer was given almost immediately at the moment i opened the door

Reine:"First, we'd like you to put this on" Reine showed me an earpiece and handed it to me

Y/N:"Did a Spirit appear this soon? I didn't hear the alarm..."

Reine:"No that's not it, we just need you to use this all day long just in case one appears and we can help" She said as i put the earpiece on my right ear

Kotori:"However, we're certain a Spirit is due to appear soon enough, we did detect the waves nearby"

Y/N:"It is huh...i better not take this off at all then" They nodded in agreement, knowing i will need it soon

Reine:"We're not sure when it will appear, but we're quite certain it will happen soon, stay on guard as we give the sign"

With their words, Kotori and Reine left the house walking past my sides. I entered the house and put the grocery bag on the table to begin putting everything in their place

Y/N: I'm glad i count with Tohka and Blanc's help...just save a few Spirits, how hard can it be?


The next day i had decided to help Tohka and Blanc go to school with me, at long last it was gonna start after a week of vacation so i needed to get the two inscribed in if we wanted them to live a normal life

Tohka:"Is school fun?" Wondered Tohka as she looked at Blanc, who had already put on a school uniform she 'borrowed' from me

Blanc:"Rather fun, i saw Y/N's life through the book and this school seems to be the kind of entertainment anyone would want"

Y/N:"Repeat it until you believe it..." Blanc shrugged, however Tohka took it seriously

Tohka:"I ask for the nearest seat to Y/N!"

Blanc:"No, i'll be taking that one if you excuse me"

Tohka stomped the ground and turned to Blanc

Tohka:"I asked for it first!"

Blanc:"I asked second, two is a higher number than one"

Y/N:"Alright you two, settle down, with the looks of it Blanc might end in a grade lower than our's" My words made Blanc turn to me with a shade covering her eyes

Blanc:"Are you calling me small..." She said with a rather irritated tone

Y/N:"N-no not at all! It's just how things could work here!" I raised my voice, moving my hands infront of me in a defensive manner

Blanc:"It looks like you're calling me short..."

Tohka:"But aren't you short? I thought you were a child"

Blanc turned her sight to Tohka, looking rather angered

Y/N:"You two..."

After managing to not make them fight, we arrived to the school's entrance where we went right to the principal's office to get the two in the school

Blanc:"Do we have to accomplish any needed requirements?" Asked Blanc with curiosity

Tohka:"Yeah, do we have to bring a sword or any weapon to protect ourselves?"

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