Chapter 10: Frostbite

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The wind in Dragonspine was a constant breeze. The snow blew all around the edges of the mountain at its feet. The peak of Dragonspine seemed to be enclosed in a big blizzard-like cloud. It looked like the storm was stationary at the top of the mountain.

"Wow. that looks incredible," Bennett said, staring up at the peak. "I wonder if we will even be able to reach the top."

"We will," Y/N answered, "we are plenty  prepared,"

The two adventurers stood in awe at the sight before them. The only thing that could be heard in the silence was the crashing of the wind. The air was very cold.

"Let's go then," Bennett announced, leading the way on the path. He had only taken about four steps before slipping on ice and falling flat on his face.

"Ouch," he said, climbing back up on his feet.

"Are you okay?"  Y/N asked, rushing to help their friend up.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Bennett said, "don't worry about me. I'm used to this kind of stuff happening."

"All this snow and ice is pretty dangerous. We need to be extra careful," Y/N commented.

"Yeah," Bennett agreed, "now, let's try that again."

Bennett and Y/N walked side by side on a trail leading into the mountain.

"Alright," Y/N began, "where should we start?" they held the map that Albedo gave them and glanced over it, "If we want to cover every area of Dragonspine, then it would make sense to start from the bottom, and work our way up."

"Okay," Bennett said.

"It looks like there is a cavern around the middle of the map. If we turn right at the next fork and just continue on the trail, we should eventually get there in a few hours. We can see what's around there and set up our camp for tonight."

"Alright! That sounds like a plan!" Bennett replied.

"It looks like we will also be passing Albedo's camp on our way," Y/N added.

"Cool!" Bennett replied.

The two continued on their path for a while before coming to a halt at a big tree with a red center, almost like a heart.

"Woah, what's that?" Bennett asked.

Y/N held up their map and answered, "according to this map, Albedo has it labeled as the Frostbearing Tree."

"I can feel so much warmth coming off of it, though. It is like a heater. I don't think that name describes it well," Bennett stated.

"You're right," Y/N replied, "I wonder if there are other strange things like this that provide heat. That would be useful to know for our travels. I will mark a star on any areas we find that can keep us warm. That way, we will know where to go in an emergency."

"That is a good idea," Bennett said, " I would have never thought of that."

The two of them continued down the path. As they got farther up the mountain, the blizzard grew stronger. The winds were rough, and the air was chilly.

"Geez," Bennett said, "it's freezing. I can't feel my hands," Bennett wrapped his arms around his chest and shivered.

"Yeah," Y/N answered, "I'm a little worried. This doesn't seem like normal weather. Even Snezhnaya isn't this cold."

"You've been to Snezhnaya?" Bennett asked

"Yeah. When I was younger. My mom was from there." Y/N replied. "I don't remember much of it, though."

"Wow, that's pretty cool," Bennett answered.

"I guess, but I can't remember much of it."

A strong gust of wind pushed past Y/N and Bennett. Suddenly the two began to shiver more intensely.

"Wow, it really is getting cold," Y/N stated, holding tight to their shoulders, trying to create some sort of warmth, "I am worried we won't be able to reach the top. The temperature will only decrease the higher we get. I'm not sure we will even be able to make it through the night at this point."

"Maybe now might be a good time to use one of those warming bottles," Bennett said shakily.

"You might be right, but we have to be careful. We only have five. We need to use them wisely." Y/N replied.

"Yeah. I guess you're right," Bennett said.

"We can use one now, but we will have to save the others for a while." Y/N continued, "once we open it, it will provide enough heat for us to temporarily counter the effects of this weather. It will only work for a small duration of time, though. Once we open it, we will only have about one hour before it burns out."

"What will we do after that?" Bennett asked.

"Well, we probably won't be able to reach the cavern in that amount of time. We may have to end our day early and set up camp on the side of the road. We can make a fire to keep us warm for the night. Then tomorrow, we can try and continue on our way to the cavern." Y/N said.

"Okay then. That could work." Bennett stated optimistically.

"Alright then," Y/N said, pulling a bottle out of their backpack, "I will open it now."

Bennett watched as Y/N pulled the cork off the top of the bottle. A sudden wave of warmth embraced the two adventurers. The heat was radiating off the seele captured inside the bottle.

"That feels amazing," Bennett said.

"Wow, this is amazing," Y/N added. Both of them paused briefly, grateful for the little bottle of warmth they were blessed with.

"We should probably hurry up," Y/N said, "we need to cover as much ground as possible before this heat wears off. It should be a little easier to travel now that we don't have to worry about the cold temperature or getting frostbite."

"You are right," Bennett agreed, "let's go before we get caught in the middle of this storm."

Bennett and Y/N continued on their snow-covered path, unsure of what could be in store for them up the mountain.

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