Chapter 2: Just Another Day in Mondstadt

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It only took about five minutes to get to the destination mentioned on the flier. Mondstadt was a small city. Everything was within walking distance. Everyone seemed to know each other, even if it was only somewhat. Everyone in the town seemed so free. Like they had no trouble weighing them down. Y/N knew that deep down, that wasn't true. Things aren't always as they seem. You can't always tell what someone is going through. Everyone has their difficulties in life—even the joyous people of Mondstadt.

Y/N was walking down the street where the address was located when they noticed some of the people were acting weird. People were completely avoiding one of the houses in the area. They would be walking, and as soon as they noticed they were near the house, they walked to the other side of the street far from the house. Some people looked anxious as they passed the house and sped up their pace when they came near it.

After a moment of observing, Y/N noticed that the very house everyone was avoiding was the same house they were looking for. They froze for a moment, questioning if they should continue or just go back on their own and continue with their day. Then, finally, Y/N stopped a man who was walking by.

"Excuse me, sir!" they said in a slightly hesitant voice. "What's the deal with that house? Why is everyone avoiding it?"

The man looked uncomfortable at the mention of the house. "It's not the house itself they are avoiding. It is who lives in that house."

"Who's house is it?" Y/N asked curiously.

"Only the most dangerous boy in all of Mondstadt!" he answered quickly. "No one ever dares to go near him. He brings bad luck everywhere he goes! That boy is cursed!" The man seemed upset. "Now, if you will excuse me, I would rather not risk my life by standing outside that damn house!" When the man finished, he hurried off as fast as he could.

Y/N had never been one to believe in luck. Or rather, they didn't think that people were either lucky or unlucky. They did know that sometimes unlucky or lucky things could happen, but not that you were forever tied to having one or the other. Y/N also wasn't one to believe in curses.

They returned their gaze to the house before beginning to walk toward it.

"Are they out of their mind?!" someone said from behind them. "They must be crazy!" another shouted.

Y/N ignored the people as they all quickly walked away. The street emptied out pretty fast. Aside from a few oblivious people who didn't seem to notice, everyone had gone to hide away.

Y/N was face to face with the door of the house. They glanced down at the paper they held in their hand and then back up at the door. They hesitated for a moment before they took a deep breath and raised their hand to knock on the door. But before their fist could make contact with the door, it suddenly swung wide open, hitting Y/N right in the face.


Bennett's POV:

"Wow, it's so nice outside! Check it out, Razor. We should go out and do something." Bennett stated, looking at his wolf-like friend. "It's perfect! We could do anything!"

"Anything?" Razor asked curiously. "Go hunt!"

"Ya!" Bennett replied, laughing a little. "I wanna stop by Good Hunter first and get some food. I'm starving!" Bennett stretched a little, "We can do a few commissions while we are out. I'm kind of running low on Mora right now, hehe. I had to pay back little Flora for accidentally destroying all her flowers," Bennett laughed nervously. "Anyways, we should head out."

Bennett walked toward the door as Razor stood up from his chair, ready to follow the boy. "It's time for an adventure!" Bennett shouted as he turned the doorknob and swung the door open.


Bennett was cut off when he felt the door come in contact with something, smashing it against the outside wall of the house.

Y/N's POV:

The door hit Y/N right in the face, and they were squished right against the wall like a fly.

"Oh My God, are you okay?!" someone asked, a little too loudly, "I am so so so sorry. I really didn't mean to hit you; it just happened. I didn't know you were standing there. I'm so sorry!"

The voice that Y/N heard kept going on. It sounded a bit panicked. "Ow," Y/N said, feeling the back of their head. Their ears were ringing, and their vision was a bit blurry.

"Oh no!" the voice, still talking, carried on, "your nose! It's bleeding! This is all my fault!"

Y/N was tired of listening to the annoying voice, so they pulled it together and finally spoke, "I'm fine" they were not. Everything hurt.

"There is no way you are okay. I am so sorry. Is there anything I can do? I can give you Mora. I can help with anything you need. Please just let me fix this. What can I do? Please. Anything."

"Just shut up. Please. You are making my head hurt more than it already is." Y/N sat up and put their hand on their forehead.

"Oh, right, of course! Here, let me help," the boy stopped his rambling and helped Y/N up. Their vision was starting to improve, and they could see the boy a little better. He was a young boy about Y/N's age but just a bit taller (or shorter). He had bright, lively green eyes and soft, creamy white hair. He also seemed to have a lot of scars on his body and some bandages.

"I'm so sorry again. I really didn't mean to." the boy said apologetically.

"It's okay. Really, I'm fine." Y/N replied.

"Here, take this. Your nosebleed is pretty bad," the boy handed them a tissue. "I hope that didn't hurt too much."

"No, It's fine. I've had worse injuries.

"This is just my luck," the boy said, "why did this have to happen? It was such a good day too."

"Luck?" Y/N questioned.

"Yeah, I have the worst luck in all of Teyvat. This kind of stuff always happens to me. My bad luck always ends up hurting other people."

"I'm sure that's not true." Y/N replied, 'There must be someone who has it worse. Besides, I'm fine. It didn't even hurt that bad."

"Please, at least let me buy you some lunch at Good Hunter to make up for it. I insist." the boy said.

"Oh, okay. I guess lunch couldn't hurt. I am a little hungry."

"Alright!" the boy said excitedly. "Oh, by the way, my name's Bennett! Nice to meet you!" he said, holding out his hand."

"I'm Y/N," they said, reaching out to take his hand. "It's nice to meet you too."

Author's Note: Chapter 2! I hope you are enjoying so far. I am currently working on chapter 3 so look forward to it! I hope you all have a wonderful day or Night! :)

(1.1k words!)

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