user, i'm in love with them being in love
user, same
user, same
nicolassturniolo, same
matthew.sturniolo, same
cora.lacey, same

cora took mae to an arcade early in the morning. they said that they needed to be the first ones there to get the best prizes.

with the girls gone, the house feels empty. even though it's not empty since all three triplets are home.

while getting some snacks from the kitchen, matt reaches up into a cabinet, about to grab a bag of his favorite chips. out of fucking nowhere, he feels someone tap on his shoulder, making his heart skip over ten beats.

"gah!" matt yells, whipping around to face whoever just scared the shit out of him. "how the hell do you walk so quietly!? i didn't even hear any footsteps!"

standing behind matt with a cocky smile on his face is chris. he's clearly proud of himself for unintentionally scaring his brother like this.

"it's called not stomping around the house like a goddamn ogre."

"did you just call me an ogre?" matt shouts, feigning offense to his 'insult'.

"yes," chris agrees without any remorse. "but that's besides the point. do you want to know why i got your attention in the first place?"

"i don't wanna hear anything come out of your mouth after you just called me a fucking ogre!" matt says, jokingly crossing his arms over his chest and pouting like a toddler.

"i think you were right," chris says, ignoring matt's reply to his question and telling him anyway.

"i don't know what you're referring to but i'm sure it took you way longer than it should have to realize that." matt says, "because im always right."

"i think i might like mae."

this quickly grabs matt's full attention. he turns completely around and looks at chris in utter shock, "what did you just say?"

"last night when we hung out on the beach, i realized that i couldn't take my eyes off her. and definitely not in a friend way."

matt blinks, really surprised that chris actually admitted to liking her. honestly, he thought it would take him a whole lot longer to realize.

"i can't like her. not now." chris adds.

"you can't? or you don't want to?"

chris groans, running a hand through his hair. he's visibly stressed and unsure on how to process the fact that he has a crush on his best friend.

"uh, both?" chris says, "i mean, she just got out of an extremely toxic relationship with rian. i don't want her to feel pressured to get into another relationship when she might not be ready for that yet. on top of that, we're best friends. and she's one of the few people who i can talk to without feeling judged. what if we lose that connection?"

matt feels bad for his brother. being in love with someone is hard. frankly, love itself is super confusing and strange.

"i'm sorry, chris." matt says, patting him on the back comfortingly. "i know how difficult it is to be in love with someone."

chris raises a brow, "in love?"


"it's just a crush, matt." chris says, chuckling. "it's not that serious. i'll probably get over her in a few days."

matt really suddenly has the intense urge to slap chris across the face and hope that knocks some sense into him. but as soon as he decides against doing that, the front door opens and two laughing girls walk through the doorway.

mae and cora have bags hanging off their forearms as they walk into the triplets' house as though they own it.

mae looks around the house, clearly searching for someone. and once she finds that someone, both of their eyes light up.

"chris!" she yells, placing her bags on the ground and running up to him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. chris laughs, hugging her back.

matt and cora glance at eachother, knowingly.

"guess what!" mae says, like an exited little kid. she lets go of chris and starts digging through one of her bags. "i saw two matching stuffed animals and i really liked them, so i won them for us."

chris' eyes widen. "really?"

"yeah!" she pulls two stuffed bunnies from the bag and proudly holds them up to show him. "look, they match. they're also kinda heavy because i used to love weighted stuffed animals."

chris just stares at her, admiring the way she looks when she's happy. he is extremely grateful for the gesture, even though he doesn't really care for toys like this. but since it's from her, he will cherish the silly-looking bunny forever.

mae notices that he's not responding and immediately regrets how excited she was.

"if you don't like them, i can throw them out or return them." mae says, quickly. "we can go to a store and buy something else if you'd prefer. and then-"

"no," chris interrupts her, grabbing her face in his hands. "i love them."

matt watches them and sighs, this is definitely not just a small crush.

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you guys have to wait until next chapter to see what the bunnies look like

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