"Yes. I do like a nice, long soak." She turns to face him with a suggestive grin. "Maybe you should wake me up and come join me in one..."

Thor doesn't know why he's shooting her the scolding look when it's his own imagination that's talking to him right now.

She chuckles at his flushed cheeks and the way his eyes cast shamefully down to his boots. "Do you no longer desire me then?" She grins again when he, again, silently scolds her with that look of disapproval.

"Stop." Thor firmly grits out. He glares (pathetically) at her as she slowly saunters up to him.

She stops just a foot in front of him and stares up at him until her amused expression slowly shifts into one of sympathy.

"My darling Thor..."

Her voice is soft, and Thor's eyes flutter close as she lifts a hand to his face. He can't feel her-each and every time his mind has conjured her up like this, it's never been as talented with magic as Loki; never been able to glamour himself into thinking he can feel her touch just as well as he can hear her voice or see her deathly blue face.

It's a secret torture he's been putting himself through. Though, clearly not torturous enough to actually make him stop doing it. Because he would rather have her like this, than not at all...forever...


He's not ready to let her go...ever.

Thor opens his eyes upon his final admittance to himself; him finally accepting that in fact-no, the fuck not-he will not mourn what is standing right in front of his face, waiting for him, right now-no, he will not accept that she's gone, because it's Loki, and Loki is damn well never gone, not really.

When his eyes snap open, Thor isn't surprised to find the idle Loki is the only one still left standing before him...waiting.

Well, Thor thinks they've both waited long enough...

Thor takes a deep breath, feels less nervous as he looks at her and an odd peace befalls his entire being. And then, he finally says the words; "The Sun is shining on us again. It's time to wake up, Loki."

He takes a couple of steps back to give her some space, waits patiently for a few more moments, and then...


Absolutely fucking NOTHING happens!

Did I do something wrong? Say it wrong?? Thor lets out a pitiful groan.

Where in the absolute FUCK am I?! Who-Thor!! Oh, thank goodness-wait... No, no, no. This feels weird. This could just be Thanos using The Stones to mess with me... Well, let's find out...

It's like waking up from a really bad hangover and not remembering how you ended up where you ended up. Not something Loki hasn't experienced many times in her very long life. But this is a whole new level of...whatever the fuck is going on...

Thor huffs and walks over to throw himself down onto the couch. "I'm going to kill her." He grumbles to himself just as he hears the unmistakable sound of a hissing blade as it hits the air. His body stiffens, but before he can make another move, there's a small dagger being held up against his throat from behind.

Thor huffs again, because he really isn't in the mood for a fight, or for dealing with new troubles. "Who the bloody hell are-" His throat closes up as his eyes dart down to the blade, but instead, they're glued to the hand wrapped around the hilt. "-you..."

Thor feels his heart flutter at the sound of her scoff, even feels himself melt back against her when she pulls him back to her with the blade digging into his skin.

"I will ask the questions-like where the bloody Norns am I? How did I get here? Who the fuck are you? Why the shit do you look like my brother? And why are you going to kill me?!"

Thor is smiling so very happily all the way through her angry (and very reasonable) outburst. Until he can no longer contain his happiness-he shoves the blade from his throat and rises to face her before she can attack him again. He holds up his hands in a non-threatening way. His eyes are wide, but his expression is soft as he whispers her name.

Loki holds the dagger up at him, her eyes narrowed into a wholly threatening glare. "Who are you?"

Thor clears his throat, and somehow, his mind along with it. "Loki, it's me."

Loki lowers her dagger, just a little. There's confusion slowly etching it's way across her face as she slowly takes in their surroundings, and then, takes in his every detail. "What is this?" She scoffs at the absurdity of it all. "Is this Thanos' doing, hm? Is he rifling through my mind right now, trying to find where I've hidden the Space Stone? Thinks he can distract me with whatever this is?" She smirks smugly before glaring in determination and snarling out her words, "You will never be the good you think you are. Trust me on that."

Loki feels her heart ache at the way this Thor suddenly looks at her like the entire universe is ending. He always was dramatic.

"Loki-" Thor repeats himself as he slowly moves towards her, "-it really is me."

Loki stares back at him, unsure of what to think. "Am I..." She gulps, because Thor gulps; seems to know just what she will say-"Am I dead?"

"No!" Thor softly exclaims with a furious shake of his head. He sighs tiredly when he sees her confused look. "You know I've never been good with explaining myself."

Loki shoots him a deeply withered look.

Thor chuckles. Fuck, he missed her so damn much. "Don't worry, that wasn't me trying to get out of explaining anything. I just... I think it would be easier if you just saw for yourself."

Loki looks confused again. Until he lifts a hand to tap the side of his head. She eyes him warily for a moment before finally lowering her dagger to her side and nodding.

The Sun Is Shining On Us Again [Thor&FemLoki]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora