Act One: Prologue

Start from the beginning

"You're okay. Oh, thank the Gods. Why are you here?" Her eyes scanned the camp, her father sat celebrating with a man she expected to be Udda. They were singing about a future King's death at his hands.

"I'm sorry sister. I had to tell him. It was the only way we both live through the year. I saw men attacking our hut. We need the Dane's protection. Let me protect you." The fact Skade wanted to protect them hurt. Sigyn was supposed to be the older sister. She was supposed to be the one who protected her.

As they stood at the edge of the camp one of the men brought over a plate of food for them on Udda's orders. It was the first time in months they went to bed with full bellies. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Five years after they set up camp with Udda and his men, their father was killed fighting Saxon's who were trying to reclaim some of the land they had taken. But he died fighting, and he would see Valhalla. The two girls took some comfort in that. Sigyn was now fourteen and Skade was nine. They were brought up as warriors, able to fight and defend themselves easily. Skade started to learn more about her gifts, but Sigyn never dared explore. She was quite happy to live as a shield maiden. In fact, she had never told anyone about her gifts. Not even her sister.

But life with Udda became dangerous. He was paranoid, irrational and very protective of Skade. He wouldn't let anyone see her without going through him first. So the night that the camp was invaded and the fight between Udda and an unknown foe broke out, Sigyn saw her chance and freed her sister from her prison and they ran.

They spent time with various Danes. Cnut. Erik. Ragnar. But no where felt safe for them. Then they found Bloodhair. By the time the sisters had settled in with his camp, Sigyn was now twenty four and had a loyal band of shield maidens who followed her everywhere. Skade was nineteen and well, she was now well in her elements of blood magic. Bloodhair and Skade were feared by all and Sigyn hated the darkness that surrounded her once sweet sister. But she would never leave her side. Her sister needed her.

Sigyn had grown into her features, many of the Danes tried to court her or 'hump' her but she wasn't interested. She just wanted to fight, earn enough land and silver to live a happy life before dying in battle and reuniting with her mother in Valhalla. She had found her sister down at the river, she was in the process of taking out someone's eyes and Sigyn just rolled her eyes at her theatrics.

"You don't need to do that every single time. Just find Bloodhair and tell him what you have seen, sister." Skade grinned wildly and licked the blood from her blade. Leading the way back to camp to find her lover.

"I've seen it again, dear sister. The death of King Alfred. It comes at the hands of Bloodhair. He will be the one to end all the wars." Skade's visions were always so clear, it made Sigyn slightly jealous because to this day she had never focused on her gifts. The dreams usually come with a headache, pictures to a puzzle she never had time to put together.

Skade left to find Bloodhair and when she went into his tent, Sigyn knew not to follow. She had accidentally walked in on them before and well, it wasn't something she wanted to witness again. Or get invited into. It was about an hour before they re-emerged, Skade's hand newly bandaged and Bloodhair covered in her crimson blood.

"Tonight, we will claim another victory! We shall claim the nearby village and be one step closer to claiming all of Wessex!" All the men shouted at their Earl. The men were bloodthirsty and eager for battle and honestly so was Sigyn. It had been weeks since her sword had kissed flesh and drowned in Saxon blood.

Five of them lead the charge on horses, Skade always beside Bloodhair. And Sigyn always beside Skade. The rest of the men followed on foot and only started the battle charge when the buildings were in view.

"Remember. Head back to camp if this goes wrong. Okay?" Skade nodded at Sigyn and then the older sister jumped off her horse. Unsheathing her steel as she ran at the sleeping village. The noise the Danes made woke every villager. Their screams filling the air. The screams were a melody. Grown men begged for their lives but the steel was unforgiving as she put an end to their miserable Saxon lives. Blood painted the ground, her clothes and her skin.

The fighting was over almost as quickly as it began, now for the fun part. The fire reflected in her eyes as she lit the straw roofs on fire. The only building they didn't burn was the church because that is where the Saxons hid their wealth. Behind religion and 'God'. The town burned as Skade, Sigyn and Bloodhair made their way into the church.

The priests were all praying to their God for salvation. To be saved from the 'Heathens' but their prayers were never answered.

"Where is the silver?" Sigyn asked and when silence filled the room she shoved her bloodied sword into one of the priests guts. Twisting the blade until he took his last breath and then she dropped his body at the feet of his 'brothers'. "Let's try this again. Shall we. Now where is the silver?"

The priests pissed themselves. One even vacating his bowels as the steel pointed at his neck but no one would talk. They claimed there was no silver here. Just religion and she knew it would only make their deaths more painful.

"If there's no silver. Then why don't you prove it? Spare your brothers" Bloodhair spoke, seemingly bored already and he handed one of the priests a dagger. "Kill yourself."

"But that would mean my soul is damned. I would not be allowed into heaven." The young priest begged and it was the final straw for Bloodhair.

"My treat for you, my love." He gave Skade a gentle kiss and left her in the church and she was like a spoilt child. All these new toys to play with.

"You may leave. I shall return to the camp after I've had my fill." Skade grinned at her sister, already deciding on which ways to torture the men.

"I'll leave men outside with you." Sigyn smiled at her sister, letting her have her own fun as she left her in the church. "Five of you, remain here. I want my sister back before dawn." She warned them before returning to her horse and back to camp.

When she reached her tent, one of her shieldmaidens Hilda was already inside. She had dark full hair, beautifully unflawed skin and she had been warming Sigyn's tent as of late. Hilda's lips peppered kisses against her neck as she helped Sigyn to undress from the battle.

"How many did you kill?" Hilda asked curiously, as if the answer would excite her as she started to wash the dried blood from her skin with a wet cloth.

"About twenty. And a priest too." Sigyn grinned at her, the pair sharing a knowing look before they were battling each other for control as they rolled around on the fur covers. Hilda always tasted like cherries and it was a taste that Sigyn found herself craving after battle. After a long night of exploring each others' bodies they eventually fell asleep in the comfort and warmth of the furs.

Shouting from the camp abruptly woke them and Sigyn groaned already, pulling on one of her shifts and some armour before going to explore the noise. The men were shouting and it wasn't until she saw Bloodhair and how annoyed he was that she knew something had happened to her sister.

"Bloodhair. Where is she?" Sigyn shouted from the other side of the camp, her aggression laced in her voice but mostly. She was annoyed at herself for leaving her. For expecting her to be okay.

"Taken. By the Dane they call Uhtred. We will get her back. I will wear his blood." He snarled out, the men chanting but Sigyn knew he was weak. She could see how fast he broke without Skade to made his decisions. So she would have to find her sister herself. 

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