Gifford flipped through a few more pages, and then laid the book out on the table. "Cinnamon cake." He read out.

Jasper looked over the recipe. "Sounds good."

Maryrose, and Jonathan gathered the rest of the ingredients, while the others got all the other baking tools they would need.

"Alright." Jonathan said, looking over all the ingredients in front of them. "What the heck do we do now?"

"First we put two cups of flour into the bowl." Jasper said, opening the flour as he scooped two cups into a big bowl. They decided to make the process quicker, one group would do the dry ingredients, and the other group would do the wet ingredients. "And now the baking powder." He put in one teaspoon.

"Can we add more vanilla?" Dorothy asked from where she was with Penelope, and Maryrose.

Jasper shook his head as he heard that. "Baking is a science, if you add too much it will mess up the whole recipe."

Penelope nodded. "He is right.

"Don't forget the eggs." Jasper told them.

Dorothy threw an egg into the bowl, making the yellow yolk mix with the melted butter, and vanilla, shells, and all.

"Well into the rubbish bin, it goes." Maryrose murmured.

Gifford threw the batch in the bin, as Jasper said, "Dorothy, you need to crack the egg in a separate bowl first, just the yellow part."

Marty said, "I'll help her."

Once they were back to where they originally were, they decided to all work together. Jasper added the milk, and Maryrose started to preheat the oven. They each took turns adding an ingredient, and Jasper finally added the cinnamon.

"Shouldn't you add more cinnamon?" Gifford asked.

"No, cinnamon is really strong, it will be enough." Marty said.

"Dorothy please don't use Venom as a measuring cup." Maryrose said as Dorothy was going to use Venom to put in more baking power even though they already had enough.

"Venom just wants to help." Dorothy said.

"I appreciate it." Jasper said, mixing. Venom hopped on his head. Jasper's eyes widened. "Dorothy please get it off my head."

Dorothy lifted Venom off Jasper's head. "It likes you." She then put Venom on her own head. She did this a lot, and Jasper was not sure if he would ever get used to it.

Gifford poured the batter into a pan, and Jasper put on a pair of oven mitts, and placed it in the now hot oven.

"So now what?" Jonathan asked.

"We would usually make the icing, but Penelope, and Maryrose did that." Jasper said. "So now we wait until it is ready."

Marty piped up, "I'll play some music." She ran out of the kitchens, and a few minutes later she came back with her toad, Sir Fredrick Pennington the 4th. "We have been practising." She put down Sir Fredrick Pennington the 4th on the counter. "Ready?" The toad nodded.

The other Hufflepuffs watched as Marty started to conduct Sir Fredrick Pennington the 4th, and to their surprise, the toad started to ribbit a tune. Marty clapped. "Great job!!"

Venom hopped off Dorothy's head, and started to do a little dance alongside Sir Fredrick Pennington the 4th.

Jasper stared at this scene, disbelieving. He wished he had a camera, but to his surprise, Maryrose pulled hers out, and snapped a few photos.

Freaks: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now