The boy nodded and didn't care to reply until they reached a quieter space. Mason slowed to a stop as he opened the door he led them to, ushering Berkley in before walking in himself and shutting the threshold behind him. The music around the house then became muffled, and it was much easier to speak to the girl in front of him.

"I'm Berkley," she introduced herself as she looked around the room they were in. It must've been the master bedroom as there was a big balcony on one side of the king sized bed and a bathroom on the other. She gave Mason another look as she sat on the edge of the bed, "Berkley Beckham."

Mason nodded. He didn't know what to say. He wasn't sure whether or not he should tell her that he already knew that or if he should just let her speak.

"Yeah." He nodded, "Chilly told me that actually... and that-"

"David Beckham is my dad?" She finished for him.

She saw the embarrassment spread on Mason's face as he nodded, "great player." He mumbled, mentally punching himself at his words.

Berkley just let out a light laugh as if she wasn't already used to hearing that her entire life. She nodded as she watched Mason walk closer to her. "I'll make sure to let him know," she joked.

The boy found himself sitting on the spot next to her, trying to keep just the right amount of space between them so she wasn't uncomfortable; and to be honest, the standard was low enough for her to feel butterflies at such a small gesture.

"I know Ben," she said, hoping to keep small talk going as much as she could, "met him a year or two ago just briefly when he still played for Leicester. Funny enough, it was because I accidentally spilled my drink on him."

"Karma is a bitch, innit?" Mason joked, making Berkley snort a laugh.

He watched as she threw her head back while she laughed. He couldn't help the smile that fell upon his face as she exposed her teeth and dimples as if it were sacred. He felt gifted to even be looking at a smile like that.

Mason felt his heart swell as he fell back, laying on the bed, sighing as he kept his eyes glued on her. His hands rested to the back of his head, waiting patiently until Berkley finally turned back to him, calming her smile down as she looked at him softly.

"Sorry about the loss against Leicester today," she told him, "but it earned me £30 if it makes you feel any better."

Mason laughed, he didn't even care to register that she just blatantly said she was betting against Chelsea, the smile that followed his just made him feel a lot better. "I'm glad to be of service."

Berkley then fell back too, laying next to him as they stared at one another. They somehow found themselves a lot closer than before, physically and emotionally. She stared at him and he stared at her, their faces just inches away. Mason's smile dropped the same way his stomach did as he watched Berkley's eyes flicker from his eyes and to his lips for just a split second.

Mason kept his breathing steady as he scooted just an inch closer and Berkley didn't even notice how she was holding her breath until a sudden sound had snapped, not just her, but him too out of the trance they were in.

The familiar chime caused Mason to dart his head up, his confused gaze falling on the big screen tv mounted on the wall. "Did the PS5 just turn on?"

Berkley sat up in concern before looking down at where Mason was once laying as he too sprung up from his comfortable position. Under him, the two spotted a remote control that he could've sworn wasn't there before. Berkley picked it up before locking eyes with Mason, both nodding in realisation.

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