Why I dont ride motorcycles

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Context: writing this off of when Derek told Meredith in season 1 about the scar on his head and why he doesn't ride motorcycle's anymore. Based in season 11, Meredith is pregnant with Ellis and Derek is home from D.C.

"Hey" Meredith nudged him at the breakfast bar where he was staring blankly as he nursed his coffee. He snapped himself awake, turning to his wife.

He smiled. "Hey" he whispered as he swivelled in his chair. He gently rested his hands on her 7 month small bump, standing up to peck her lips. "How are you feeling?" He asked curiously. She'd been suffering from prolonged morning sickness from the moment she suspected she was pregnant and nothing found to help her.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Been worse and could always be better" she said as she wrapped her arms around her husbands neck.

"You're over half way now. Don't forget to take a step back when you need, Meredith" he frowned at her as she looked exhausted and uncomfortable. She just rolled her eyes at him.

"I can relax when the baby arrives" she mumbled before stepping away to grab a glass of water.

"Meredith, you need to take it easy. You're still high risk for complications" Derek reminded her as he watched her.

"You don't think I don't know that?" She suddenly snapped at him, catching him off guard.

After leaving D.C and the semi crash, they hadn't argued since. Both were just elated to still be alive for their children and to welcome their daughter into the world in just a few months. Although pregnancy would forever be a hard topic for them both after their loss in the shooting, both were just grateful for their health, marriage and love after some close-calls the last few years.

"I'm sorry. I'm just- snappy" Meredith sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose and leaning against the counter to steady the dizziness.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Derek frowned as he stood up and brought her into his arms. She nodded into his chest, appreciating the support as she felt tears brim in her eyes.

"Bailey's pregnancy felt so much easier. I feel constantly anxious, nauseous and like the world is spinning. Not to mention I'm exhausted. This one's harder" she admitted quietly to her husband.

He rubbed her back gently, swaying her side to side. "How about you go to work today, and then I'll come speak to Hunt with you about getting a few days off? You need to rest" Derek suggested.

"Ugh I hate when you're right" she groaned before laughing against him.

Derek kissed her gently before moving away to grab his bag.

"What are you doing today? Are you coming back to work?" Meredith frowned as she watched him. After the brain-mapping project, Derek hadn't returned to work like everyone had expected. The first 2 month he had been recovering from the travesties of the semi, and the months following he just had no desire to return to his position.

Everyone was worried about him. The man lived and breathed neurosurgery, but Derek had learnt the art of balance after nearly leaving his pregnant wife and two kids without a husband or father. He had to embrace some humility and swallow his pride, two things he found very difficult, and he chose to step back and re-assess what was most important in his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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