Easing the pain

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Context: this is a suggestion from a few of my followers. A cute little merder fic. If you're grossed out by periods (then get a grip) then maybe don't read this one. Idk it's not graphic or anything but I've gotta put a warning😂

Based in the earlier seasons when they were still getting to know each other.

It was a late Thursday evening and Meredith sighed as she stepped out the bathroom and towards the bed where Derek sat reading.

"Hey" he smiled at her. "You okay? You look tired" he asked quietly as he pulled the sheets back for her. She smiled at his small gensture. "Yeah, just tired" she whispered as she climbed into the bed.

"What time are you working tomorrow?" Derek asked as he put his book on the nightstand and turned to her. "8:30" she groaned as she laid her head down.

Derek smiled at her, bringing his hand to her cheek to stroke.

"Get some sleep, I'll wake you up in the morning" he whispered before reaching over and turning off her light.

She settled against his body, curled in the crook of his arm with her tiny body; the place she felt safest.

She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep but after 10 minutes, she became acutely aware of a small pain in her lower abdomen.

She shifted slightly in her position, hoping to dissipate the cramping, and laid her head on Derek's chest. He'd become comfort for her; a safe place; a place she could be herself. 2 years of knowing him, breaking up, falling in love, the prom; it had made their body so much stronger, and this 'new' relationship they'd started was the personification of heaven.

For the next 30 minutes, she shifted and twisted like there were ants in the bed or something.

"Are you okay? Can you not sleep?" Derek whispered suddenly, startling her.

She rolled on her side again, this time with a heavy sigh as her cramps grew painful.

"Just uncomfortable" she mumbled as she turned away from him. He moved forward in an attempt to spoon her body but she rolled away quickly.

"I'm fine, Derek" she snapped quietly, taking him by surprise.

"O-okay" he whispered before backing off instantly and giving her some space.

He was wide awake now, confused by her unrest but not wanting to push her buttons if she was already tired.

He switched back on his dim light and grabbed his book once more, mindlessly flicking through the pages for over an hour as she tossed and turned beside him.

Eventually she just lay flat on her back, staring at the ceiling.

"I hate being a woman"

Derek frowned at her as he watched her hand rest on her abdomen, a moment of panic flashing over him before realisation hit him.

"Oh" he said quietly.

"I mean- what- the universe decided that women not only have to give birth but they also have to have periods every month? It's so backwards" she groaned as her abdomen cramped once more.

He turned on his side and replaced her hand with his, spreading his warm palm across her lower abdomen.

"Is there anything I can do to help? Can I get you anything?" He smiled sadly at her. He knew she was in pain, but he also wanted to respect her space.

"Yeah, get me a tranquilliser and a bout of morphine to knock me out" she mumbled.

He chuckled to himself as he climbed out the bed and left the bedroom. He searched multiple different draws and cupboards in the trailer, pouring a tea for her, rooting out some tylenol, finding a heat pad from his fishing trips.

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