Part 1

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Namjoon pov:

I wish I never met her. She was so deceiving with those innocent eyes. It all started with an innocent invite from my friend Doowon.

"Hey man, do you want to go out and have some drinks with some friends? " Doowon asked me. We have been working in the studio for a while and I was pretty tired so drinks don't sound bad right now. "Sure sounds good" I reply back to him as I stand up from my worn out chair. "Ok let me get my keys."

Me and Doowon have been friends since we were kids. He helped me a lot back in my predebut days. He was also the one who introduced me to hip-pop and rap back in middle school. And for that l'll be forever grateful for him. But I don't think I can forgive him for introducing me to her.

I was drifting off in my thoughts when Doowon told me that we were there. I made sure to put my black hat on since I didn't want anyone to recognize me. I wasn't in the mood to act nice for the bitchy ass press. As we stepped in the club the light began to blind my eyes while music blasting was the only thing I heard for a while. I wasn't really surprised, it was a club after all.

Doowon began to wave at a group of people and walked towards them as I followed behind him. "What up man no time no see" one of the guys said. He was shorter than me, maybe about 5'6. He had bleached blonde hair and a piercing on his nose. He seemed laid back, a trait I have always admired. They all begin to greet Doowon, I stayed back while observing everyone at the table. And that was when I noticed her.

A girl with black silky hair that looked like it took her hours to straighten it. She was wearing a short black dress that fit her curves perfectly. Doowon noticed me staring at her and went up to her. "y/n what's wrong, you look down." he said to her. y/n looked him up and down with a turnt up lip. "Get off my dick" she rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh leaves her alone. She was just mad that I forced her to come with me" a female voice spoke up. "Don't worry y/n, I'll entertain you if you want." Doowon offered with a wink. For an unknown reason i hoped she would decline his offer. I guess the Gods were on my side when she spoke. "Thanks but no thanks, i'm good."

Y/n eyes begin to drift towards me. As we made eye contact I felt my face heating up. "Who's your friend, Doowon." she asked as her tongue darted out to play with her lip piercing on the top of her lip. "Oh yeah, I didn't even notice him" Another one of Doowon's friends said. I felt my jaw clench but I stayed silent. "Are you going to introduce us or what" another one added.

"Oh right I totally forget" Doowon said turning to me and putting his arms around my shoulder. "Anyways, this is Kim Namjoom in the flesh."

"Wow really? Is it really him" everyone shouted. "Well of course why would I lie about that" Doowon said as he began to take off my hoodie and my hat for proof. "Oh my god, it is him!" Everyone began to greet me.

I lean over Doowon's shoulder and slowly whispered in his ear "Did you really only bring me here to impress your friends" I deadpanned at him. "Uh, sorta. Sorry. But I hope that's okay with you." he said. I sighed, "Yeah it's fine"

"Okay everyone give Namjoon some space." Doowon pushed them back.

"Sorry, we were just really excited" the girl who warned us about y/n apologized. "It's fine, I don't mind." I lied to her. "Wait i'm lost" a voice said from the couch. Of course it was y/n. "Am I the only one who doesn't know who this guy is." she continued with a perfect eyebrow raised.

Gasps sounded around us, but some not heard as the music was still playing loudly. "You don't know Namjoon? As in RM, as in the leader of BTS?"

"BTS? Oh I know them but I don't know the members." she said taking cigarettes out of her bag and lighting it. "Anyways nice to meet you Kim
Namjoon of BTS"

I was about to respond with a  "You too" but Doowon interrupted me and said "Yea y/n doesn't really care about stuff like K-pop". My eyebrows jumped up. "You're Korean and don't like K-pop?" I said looking at her astonished. She looked like she was about to say something but Doowon interrupted again. Someone put tape on his mouth, please.  "She's actually half Korean. Her mom is Hispanic and her dad is Korean"

"I think I can answer myself" y/n said, rolling her eyes while putting down her cigarette while walking closer to me and Doowon. " Yea I am half Korean and I don't hate K-pop. It's just that I don't see the point in obsessing with someone you literally don't know anything about" she paused and stopped "Anyway, i'm going to get a drink." she said as she walked past and bumped her shoulders with mine.

 "Yea, l'll come too" her friend said as she walked behind her like a lost dog. "Yo, you coming?" Doowon said to me. "No i'm good. Have fun though" I smiled, feeling a slight headache rising up from the loud voices. He nodded and followed along with the girls, his other friends following along. I didn't feel like drinking so I just sat on the couch and scrolled through my phone. 

Some time had passed when I heard a woman's voice. It was y/n. Of course it was." Hey Mr.RM, why the long face." she mocked a sad smile, sitting in the empty seat next to me. "Oh hi y/n. Do you need anything?" She looked at me and smiled, "No, I just saw you all sad and it was honestly so embarrassing for a worldwide known leader to be so sad. Must be missing his mates, no?" she looked at me with unblinking eyes. "Not really" I shuffled in my seat, facing away from her. She couldn't see the effect she had on my body. Not now at least. 

"Hm, so Doowon dragged you here. And I thought you could make  decisions for yourself. You must be a daddies boy. Having men make all the decisions, as if you can't speak." I felt my jaw clenching. We've only known each other for at least 50 minutes, and she's already assuming things of me. 

"No. He asked me to come with him so I said yes since I didn't have anything else to do, y/n." she eyed me up and down as she was turned forward, a smirk showing itself on her lips. "Well then. Since you can make decisions why don't we go have a drink, just the two of us this time."

My eyes widened. This was a good opportunity. Maybe fate is real.  Maybe this was meant to happen. Just us two, fuck the world around us. Me and y/n. At home it would be a routine, we get up, maybe if i'm lucky morning sex, then breakfast with the kids, one boy and twp girls. What should the names be, never mind that, who would they look like most? Maybe a bit more of y-"Namjoon!"

I snapped out of my mind to look at my future. "Do you want to or not." she raised an eyebrow, looking at me with irritation. "Yea, sorry." I stood up and followed, excited for what the future would hold for me, for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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