She Awakens

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-"One snake bite merely put her in a trance, my champion will easily wake the sleeping beauty..."

-Back to The Pueblo of San Angel-


Everyone sat around Y/n's bed praying and crying for a miracle that would awaken her. Joaquin went to kiss her, but his medal touched her causing her to awaken. With a gasp she got up.

-"Oh, my goodness!" he father exclaimed.

-POV Change-


-"It's a miracle!" my father explained as I clutched my head feeling slightly dizzy.


-POV Change-


-"Alive" everyone gasped around me.

-"Cheer's" Xibalba raised a glass, as if making a toast before drinking it's content.

-"One bite? Your snake! It bit me twice!" speaking of the snake, it appeared and coiled itself around Xibalba's arm.

-"YOU CHEATED!" I slammed my fists against the table.

-"You will pay for this!" Xibalba stood up and walked on top of the table, dropping all the food onto the ground as he made his way to me.

-"In all my years, no one in any realm has ever talked to me like that and survived"

-"So I ask you, are you threatening me, boy?"

-"I will expose you to La Muerte, and then you and me can settle things!" I pointed a finger at his face.

-"You'll never reach her in her new realm, I should know, I rotted there for eons" he pushed me and everyone gasped.

-"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a wedding to plan"

-"Ciao!" with that said he left.

-POV Change-


-"What happened?" I asked, feeling a bit better from my dizziness.

-"Wait! Where's Manolo?"

-"I'm sorry Y/n..." Joaquin began and hesitated to speak.

-"Manolo...Manolo passed away" I backed away.

-"No! It-it can't be!" I felt tears threatening to fall down my face.

-"I'm sorry dear" one of the nun's apologized.

I fell to my knees, tears were falling and a numbness took over my body. I didn't want to believe it, I pushed him away from the snake.

-"Y/n, we're all sorry Manolo's gone, but Joaquin just saved your life" my father told me.

-"You see, he will always protect you"

-"General, this is not the time..." Joaquin began but was stopped.

-"Please, mija, for everyone's sake, make him stay"

-"W-What..." I can't believe this, I lost the person I cared about most and he's asking me to marry Joaquin.  But I knew my father too well, he would never drop the matter. And I had to what was right to protect the town...

-"W-Will you stay in San Angel, if I-I marry you?" I whispered so quietly I could barely hear myself.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Goodnight! (Or morning or afternoon)


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