Terrible Songs

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-"I can't believe the general invited the whole town!" one of my mariachi 'friends' ranted.

-"Except for you, Manolo" he chuckled nervously.

-"Sorry, bro"

-"Yeah, he even invited us!" the other said.

-"And he hates us" these guys weren't making me feel better, in fact they were worsening the situation.

-"It's hopeless, I've lost her to Joaquin" I sighed out, feeling pathetic.

-"Okay, okay, listen, listen" I turned to the eldest brother who looked excited about something.

-"All we got to do is play the right song, and trust me, everything will turn around in the space of four bars!"

-"We've already been to four bars! Twice!" with that said he crashed into a lamp post.

-"Hold It! I know exactly what to play!" one of the brothers exclaimed and whistled for the three of them to huddle up.

-"It has to be romantic and classy, but with tons of dignity" they whispered to each other as I began to walk away but they pulled me back.

-POV Change-


I had calmed down a bit, I was reading a book about poems and famous writers when I heard a mariachi cry 'un grito'. Chuy, who was sleeping on my bed gave me a look and grunted annoyed. Then a voice, that wasn't all that pleasant began to sing.

-"YoU, yOu gOt WhAt I nEEd" a creaky piano also followed along with his voice.

-"bUt YoU sAy hE's JuSt a fRiEnD" Chuy was getting annoyed and was walking towards the window.

-"What are you doing?" I asked my 'little' pig.

-"oH, BabY, yOu..." I muffled my giggles, as Chuy had dropped one of my flower pots on the poor mariachi singing.

-POV Change-


-"Wow, that totally captivated her," I chuckled.

-"I don't get it? That one always works" one of the brother's questioned.

-"Even on my wife!" the other added and I facepalmed.

-"Ooh, I got it! Follow my lead!" I facepalmed even harder knowing this was gonna be disastrous.

-POV Change-


-"iF yOu WaNt mY bOdY..."

-"AnD yOu tHiNk i'M sExY"

-"MaMi, vAmOs, LeT mE KnOw"

-"Lo,lo, Lo, LOOOOOO" the signing had begun again and it didn't take Chuy but two seconds to drop another flower pot.

-POV Change-


-"Very romantic, Pepe" I laughed out after the pot had fallen on his head too.

-"Hey, that's all I got!"

-"It's my turn!" the other brother rushed getting his instrument ready.

-POV Change-


-"One, two"

-"One, two, tres, cuatro!" Chuy lasted an even shorter time, I giggled as he dropped the cactus on what I hoped was the las mariachi's head.

-"I hope they are alright" I mumbled between laughs.

-"I'm feeling a bit tired, I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight!" I turned off the light and was about to get ready for bed when a soft guitar melody stopped me.

-"Manolo..." I whispered as I heard his voice singing softly.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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